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Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index


Accusation against Christendom, 257-261

“Age of violence,” 129-131

Ahab, victory over Syria, 29, 30

Amalekites, enemies, 24, 25


Babylon, acts presumptuous, 128

not confederate of Gog, 350

Babylon and other nations, had to know Jehovah, 31-35

Babylon the Great, destroyed, 180, 364

punishment, 254-257

Ben-hadad, Samarian siege, 28-30


“Chain,” meaning, “Make,” 137

Chariot, follows prophet, 88, 89

in Ezekiel’s vision pictorial, 48-51

moves to post, 209, 210

Chariot wheels, described, 41-46

Cherubs, carved, on Ark, 38

Ezekiel’s vision, 38-51

position and activity, 184-187

Christendom, after her destruction, what? 235, 236

calamity coming upon, 103, 104

detestable religious system gets just deserts, 124-127

drastic action needed, 268-275

drinks cup of prototype, 252-257

future of, 252-256

has had “shepherd” kings, 304

infected with demonism, 159-162

judged, 261-264

membership dropped, 317, 318

members worship sun, 156-159

modern fulfillment, 122-127

not “Israel of God,” 68, 69

political rulers and demonism, 224

religious leaders charge, 133-136

restored? 206-209

sects fornicators, 258-261

to know destruction comes from Jehovah, 199-202

to know Jehovah, 120-122

why days numbered, 92, 93

worse than heathen, 104-106

Christendom and Christianity, distinguished, 202

Christendom’s destruction, not that of Christianity, 202-206

Christendom’s end near, 122-127

“Coals of fire,” symbolic, 187-191

Conditions during siege, 106-111

Congregations of restored remnant, “inhabited,” 330-334

Convention, Cedar Point, Ohio, 1919 C.E., 64, 330

Columbus, Ohio, 1924 C.E., 83-85

Washington, D.C., 1935 C.E., 178


Dates, 1514-1513 B.C.E., Pharaoh ruler of Egypt, 16

1513 B.C.E., mediator, 86

1473 B.C.E., Israelites in Promised Land, 115, 322

997 B.C.E., calf worship, 28

997 B.C.E., start of “error” of house of Israel, 99

997 B.C.E., start of Kingdom of Israel, 98, 99

997 B.C.E., tribes split, 69

844 B.C.E., Ninevites spared, 77

740 B.C.E., Kingdom of Israel destroyed, 30, 98

642 B.C.E., Josiah abolished sun worship, 155

617 B.C.E., Ezekiel taken to Babylon, 36, 95

617 B.C.E., Israelites taken to Babylon, 203

617 B.C.E., Jerusalem under siege, 94

613 B.C.E., Ezekiel prophet, 67

613 B.C.E., Ezekiel watchman, 73

613 B.C.E., Ezekiel’s vision, 36, 37, 52, 54, 93, 116, 123

607 B.C.E., desolation of Jerusalem and Judah, 32, 57

607 B.C.E., 40-year period of bearing “error” ended, 103

607 B.C.E., Gentile Times began, 57, 352

607 B.C.E., Jerusalem destroyed, 57, 101, 137

607 B.C.E., Jerusalem trampled on, 231

607 B.C.E., Judah desolated, 115

593 B.C.E., temple vision, 384

591 B.C.E., Ezekiel completed book, 34, 52

539 B.C.E., fall of Babylon, 340

537 B.C.E., exiles freed, 340

537 B.C.E., Jews restored, 32, 34

33 C.E., organization of Christian congregation, 52

70 C.E., second destruction of Jerusalem, 233, 316, 351

1529 C.E., Protestant movement established, 69

1914 C.E., an era ended, 57

1914 C.E., Gentile Times ended, 57, 58, 73, 105, 352

1914 C.E., modern Ezekiel, 58

1914 C.E., World War I, 34

1916 C.E., Russell’s death, 346

1917 C.E., “The Finished Mystery” published, 62

1918 C.E., Federal Council of Churches declare for League, 60

1918 C.E., World War I ended, 63, 73, 315

1919 C.E., League of Nations brought forth, 351

1919 C.E., natural Jews seek homeland, 67

1919 C.E., officers of Society released from prison, 63

1919 C.E., ordination, appointment, commission, 67

1919 C.E., remnant revived, 82

1919 C.E., “The Golden Age,” 83

1920 C.E., “The Finished Mystery” released from ban, 65

1924 C.E., “Watch Tower” on “God’s Organization,” 51

1929 C.E., book “Prophecy” on “God’s Organization,” 51, 52

1931 C.E., remnant identified by name, 66, 172

1931 C.E., “Vindication” book published, 52, 171

1934 C.E., “marking” begins, 177

1945 C.E., United Nations succeeds League, 73, 351

1945 C.E., World War II ends, 156

1948 C.E., Republic of Israel established, 352

Dead Sea, picture, 393, 394

“Decoration of one’s ornament,” meaning, 134-136

Dedication, “other sheep” make and symbolize, 178-180

Demon interference to be thwarted, 223-228

Demonism, Christendom, 159-162

political rulers rely on, 224

Desolation complete, 288-290

Disposal of war equipment and dead bodies, 372-375

Divine purpose in God’s execution work, 136-140

Down with “high one,” 229-232

Dragon, symbolic, identified, 363

Dry bones restored, 337, 338


Elijah and Elisha, used by Jehovah to raise the dead, 335

Escapee arrives with the eyewitness report, 285-288

Ezekiel, as watchman, 74-76

calls attention to name, 33-35

carried into exile, 36, 37

first vision, 35-38

modern-day counterpart, 57-66

pantomimed siege, 105-111

prophet, 56, 74-76, 105, 210

second vision, 38-41

“sign man,” 93-96

speaks despite attempted restraints, 90-92

taken into exile, 95

vision of bones prophetic, 341-344

watchman to house of Israel, how, 86-88

wife dies, 272, 273

Ezekiel delivers own soul as watchman, 85-88

Ezekiel goes ‘in rage,’ 81-85

Ezekiel sent to own people, 76-81

Ezekiel’s message ‘stunning,’ meaning, 81

Ezekiel’s prophecy, true, 276-278

Ezekiel’s temple, picture, 384

Ezekiel’s visionary city and temple, compared, 403


False prophet, identified, 363

False shepherds, 294-296

Famine, pestilence, 111-113

Famine, pestilence and sword, destruction of Judah, 120-122

Fearlessness, Ezekiel, 69-72

of modern-day “Ezekiel,” 70-72

Feast for birds, beasts, 375-378

“Finished Mystery, The,” 318

Foreheads marked, symbolic, 171

whose, how, 165, 166

Foreheads smashed, 167-171

40 days bearing error, 99-104

40-year period of bearing the “error” of Judah, ends, 101-103

“Four living creatures,” 38-51


“Garden of Eden,” 328-334

“Garland,” crown, 126-128

“Genocide,” threat, 9

“Glory of Jehovah,” action required after vision, 89-92

described, 46-51

effect of vision on Ezekiel, 53, 54

position described, 193, 194

God’s sanctuary, defiled, 259, 260

Gog, actual, identified, 354

Babylon not confederate of, 352

burial, 373-375

comes with “congregation,” 357

defeated, 364-368

introduced, 349, 350

knows “short period of time,” 356

no respected burial, 377

uses “sword” of warfare, 366

who included in crowd, 376-378

Gog, modern, identified, 352-354

Gog’s attack, purpose, 358-362

Gog’s hordes mustered, 362-364

“Golden Age, The,” 64, 83-85

“Great crowd,” aid modern-day ‘man with the inkhorn,’ 179, 180

association with remnant, 319-323

united with remnant, 347

“Great multitude,” 178

“Great tribulation,” Babylon the Great destroyed in, 180

reaches culmination, 367, 368


“Happy God,” purpose, 399

Har–Magedon, 363, 364, 366, 367

“Harp of God, The,” 325

Hearers entranced, 290-292

Heavenly government, 401-407

“He comes who has the legal right,” 232-235

Historic forecast, 243-246

“Holy contribution,” 401

“House of Israel,” 339-344

How the rule of penalties works upon Christendom, 252-257


Idol worshipers have to know who God is, 117-119

“Indictment,” resolution, 83-85

International Bible Students, officials released, 329

Israel and Syria, know, 28-30

Israelites, immoral, 117-119

obligated to witness, 22-25


Jehovah, appearance, 143, 144

challenges Gog to attack, 355-358

compassion on name, 323-328

corrects conclusions, 379-382

decision from temple, 184-187

defeats Gog’s attack, 364-368

displeased at “soil of Israel,” 315

distinguished by miracles, 12-17

distinguished by qualities, 25-27

justified in destroying, 169

known as Deliverer, 11-17

known as “God Almighty,” 10

known as Protector, 24, 25

puts “hooks” in jaws, 353, 354

removed reproach, 322, 323

Rider of chariot, 46-51

served notice on nations, 16, 17

Shepherd, 293

“speedy witness,” 183-187

vindicated at Magog, 378

weapons of warfare, 367

Jehovah’s sanctuary, 400, 401

Jehovah’s “sword,” 216-219

rejects royal scepter, 220, 221

to encircle the Israelites, 222

Jeremiah, describes siege, 96

Jerusalem, report of fall, 285-288

why siege permitted, 96, 97

Jesus Christ, as “covenant,” 348

“David my servant,” 356, 357

“Lord and Christ,” 345, 346

Jews, not witnesses, 352


“Killer,” identified, 224-228

Kingdom interests, Gog would like to plunder, 358-362

Kingdom of Israel, 97-99

revolted, became nation, 69

ten-tribe, calamity suffered, 30

Kingdom of Judah, 289, 312

formation, 97

identified as “high one,” 230-232

revolted, became nation, 69

to disappear, 221-223

“Know that I am Jehovah,” declaration made 62 times, 32, 53


Land of Israel, desolated, 314, 315

“Land of Magog,” destroyed, 371

inhabitants of, witness Devil’s defeat, 368, 369

location, 370, 371

League of Nations, 65

Christendom’s watchman, 73

favored by churches, 60

ratified in 1919, 65

Levites, picture, 403

Life-giving provisions, 396-398

Life-giving water, 387-392


Maintaining considerate behavior among “sheep,” 302-304

Man in “linen,” mission, 164-166

prophetic figure, 171

reported to Jehovah, 186

Man doing marking, 180, 181

“Man with the writer’s inkhorn,” subject of talk in 1931 C.E., 172

“Mark,” symbolic, 174-180

Marked ones, identified, 173, 174

Marker of foreheads, 164, 165

Marking foreheads, 176-180

Marking reported, 180, 181

Material riches, 131-136

“Men of goodwill,” 311

“Men of Goodwill” District Assemblies, 333

Micah, prophet, reports, 132, 133

Modern-day counterpart, Ezekiel, 57-66

Modern-day discerning of heavenly organization, 51-54

Modern-day “Ezekiel,” 62-66

commissioned, 66-69

fearlessness required, 70-72

forewarned, 90-92

not to mourn Christendom, 275

vindicated, 286

Modern-day Gog, symbolic “hooks” in jaws, 353, 354

Modern-day marker, 171-173

Modern science and human philosophy, worship of, 156-159

Moses, acts and speaks, 13-17

“Most Holy,” profaned, 134-136

“Mountains of Israel,” symbolic, become “possession,” 320

Mustering Gog’s hordes, 362-364


Name, attitude of nations toward greatest, 7, 8

Jehovah jealous for his, 380

Jehovah’s, proclamation, 25-27

Jehovah’s, reproached, 323, 324

Jehovah restored remnant for his, 325-328

“Jehovah’s witnesses” identifies remnant, 172, 173

meaning of Jehovah’s, 34

number of occurrences, 53

number of occurrences of Jehovah in Hebrew Scriptures, 53

of city in Ezekiel’s vision, 406

vindication of God’s, 7, 8

Nebuchadnezzar, resorted to demonism, 225, 226

Nimrod, prototype, 153

Ninevites, Jesus’ prophecy, 79

repented, and spared, 77

No basis for exulting over false premises, 219-221


Officers of Watch Tower Society, imprisoned, 63

Oholah and Oholibah, meaning of names, 240

symbolic, 238-241

“Oholah” sets bad historical example, 241-243

Oholibah, symbolic, 243-246

symbolic, treatment of Babylonians, 247-252

“One shepherd,” 304-307

Organization, pictured, 48-51

Organizational unity of remnant, internal, restored, 343-348

“Other sheep,” identified, 177-180

marking, symbolic, 174-180

“not of this fold,” 307-309


Paradisaic “planting,” 309-311

Paradise, spiritual, 328-334

Penalties, rule of, works, 252-257

Pharaoh, forced to know Jehovah through plagues, 16-21

reaction to demand, 15-20

Places not reached by water, picture, 396

Plagues, first (river into blood), felt by Israelites, 16, 17

second (frogs), 17

third (gnats), all over Egypt, 17

fourth (gadflies), 18

fifth (pestilence), 18, 19

Priests together with high priest, picture, 403, 404

Prophecy, Ezekiel’s, confirmed as true, 276-278

Pure worship, survives, 122

survivors carry on, 383


Quaking of earth, global, 365, 366


Record, past, not count, 282-285

Redeemed ones, rewarded, 395

Regathering of “sheep,” 300-302

Religious issue, 9-11

Remnant, accepted commission to deliver message, 76-81

cleansed, 326-328

endured as watchman, 90-92

enjoy “garden” condition, 381, 382

obligations, 88

restored, 329-334

sanctify Jehovah’s name, 326-328

sent to Christendom, 78-81

Remnant in bitterness, 82-85

Remnant of spiritual Israel, bring spiritual paradise, 343

desolating of activities, 318

dwelling in center of earth, 359

“great crowd” active, 319-323

growth, 318-323

“Report,” effects on exiles, 218

Rider of chariot, 46-51

“Righteous men,” 261-264

“River of water of life” from throne, picture, 397, 398

“Rod,” for divine use, 127-131

violence brings own punishment by, 129-131


Scroll, Jehovah’s message, 76

Seat of administration, for ones with vital matters, 405, 406

Seventy older men, Jehovah a speedy witness against, 183-187

worship false gods, 147-149

“Sheep,” delivered, 298, 299

maintaining behavior, 302-304

regathering, 300-302

sheeplike ones as prey, 296-299

Siege of Jerusalem, food and health conditions, 105-111

pantomimed by Ezekiel, 105-111

“Six men,” identified, 163

killers, 166-168, 183

Slighted lovers react, 247-252

“Soil of Israel,” picture, 216

prophecy against, 215, 216

religionists desolate, 315

“Sovereign Lord Jehovah,” 215

times in Ezekiel’s prophecy, 34

Spiritual Israel, 316-323

growth of “mountains,” 318-323

Spiritual paradise, 387

Stream of life-giving water, ankle deep, 389, 390

deepening, 387-392

hip deep, 391

knee deep, 390, 391

swimming deep, 392

Sun worship, 154-159

Survivors of siege of Jerusalem, instructions to, 109-111

Sweetness of roll eaten by Ezekiel, meaning, 75, 76

“Sword” of aggressive warfare, against idol worshipers, 117-119

“Sword of Jehovah,” 215-219

Symbolic sun worship, 156-159

“Symbol of jealousy,” 145, 146

Syria, made to know, 28-30


Tammuz, identified, 150-153

Telling to others the series of visions, 210-212

Temple, Jehovah’s name, 27

Temple vision, a guarantee, 386

Ten tribes, not lost, 340, 345

Thing not “continue,” 221-223

390 days of bearing error, 97-99

meaning for Jerusalem, 105-111

“Thrusting out the shoot,” 155

Translators, in Christendom omit name Jehovah, 325, 326

True religion, not affected by Christendom’s end, 207-209

True worship, protection, 18-21

Twenty-five men, princes, 194-199

2,520 years, 57


United Nations, watchman, 73


Valley of Gog’s Crowd, 374, 375

Visible representatives of heavenly government, 401-407

Vision of dry bones, fulfillment in 20th century, 341-344

Vision of Ezekiel, purpose, 74-76

Visions, telling others, 210-212


War equipment, disposal, 372-375

Watchman, accountable, 180, 181

typed for our day, 279-282

“Water of life,” result to places not reached by, 396

Wheelwork and cherubs involved, described, 191-194

Where smashing begins, 167-171

Wicked one, spared if, 284, 285

Widemouthed cooking pot, city likened to, 195-199

siege pictured, 266-268

symbolic, 200

Wild beast, identified, 363

Witnesses, Israelites were, 22-25

Worship, true, protection, 18-21

Worshiping a sun, 154-159

Worship of creatures, 146-149

Worship of Tammuz, 150-153

World Powers, First (Egypt), 8

Second (Assyria), 30


‘You will die,’ meaning, 87


Zedekiah, rebel, 95, 96, 227, 228