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The Mysterious Book of Revelation Explained

The Mysterious Book of Revelation Explained

The Mysterious Book of Revelation Explained!

Most mysteries are fiction. But the Bible book of Revelation tells of mysteries that deal with events of real life in our own day. It reveals that we are rapidly approaching the thrilling climax of God’s purpose for our time, affecting every person on earth.

This fascinating Bible book centers around the greatest mystery of all time—the “Mystery of God”!

Would you like to know the meaning of Revelation’s mysteries? This knowledge is available. You may now have a verse-by-verse explanation of all twenty-two chapters of Revelation. You can learn what the “Mystery of God” means to you. Read the following books:

“Then Is Finished the Mystery of God”

(Explaining Revelation chapters 1-13)

“Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules!

(Explaining Revelation chapters 14-22)

Obtain these two eye-opening hardbound volumes that explain the entire book of Revelation. Send only $3.

(Price subject to change.)

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