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Title Page/Publishers’ Page

Title Page/Publishers’ Page

“The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah”—How?

“And the nations shall know that I am Jehovah.”—Ezekiel 36:23; 39:7, AS.

Dedicated to the Sanctifying of the Divine Name Among God’s “Men of Goodwill” of All the Nations

Symbols of Scripture translations quoted from or cited herein:

AS – American Standard Version Bible, by the American Committee of Revision, of 1901 C.E.

AV – Authorized or King James Version Bible, of 1611 C.E.

Dy – Roman Catholic English translation of the Latin Vulgate, made at Douay and Rheims, as of 1610 C.E.

LXX – The Greek Septuagint Version of the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, of the first three centuries B.C.E., as translated into English

NEB – The New English Bible, by the Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, 1961, 1970 (England)

Yg – Young’s Literal Translation of the Holy Bible, by Robert Young, as of 1862 C.E.

Any Bible quotation or citation not followed by any special abbreviations is made from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NW) in its revised edition of 1971 C.E.

DATING: In dating events the abbreviation B.C.E. means “Before Our Common Era,” and the abbreviation C.E. means “Of Our Common Era,” thus designating the number of the year before or after the year 1 C.E.