“Press On to Maturity”!
“Press On to Maturity”!
Now that you have considered some basic Bible truths, you need to continue in spiritual growth. So you will want to do as the apostle Paul advised: “Now that we have left the primary doctrine about the Christ, let us press on to maturity.”—Hebrews 6:1.
To help you do just that, we strongly recommend that you read these two informative books:
True Peace and Security—From What Source?
This pocket-size book discusses why peace and security are not attainable by human means. It shows how God will intervene to bring about earth-wide peace and security in the near future. Bible standards that can lead you to a successful, secure life are made clear.
“Let Your Kingdom Come”
Here is a book that highlights the Bible’s kingdom theme. It shows how Jehovah’s kingdom soon will “come” to remove wickedness and cause God’s will to “take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:9, 10) World events in fulfillment of Bible prophecy prove that God’s kingdom is now at hand. Each book is hard bound, 192 pages. Both will be sent to you, postpaid, only $1.50 (U.S.), or singly for 75c (U.S).