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Providing Children the Guidance They Need

Providing Children the Guidance They Need

Providing Children the Guidance They Need

Children need moral guidance, principles by which to live. The best principles that can be found are in the Bible. Yet it is not easy to teach children these principles so that their personality is molded to reflect desirable qualities such as being kind, loving, unselfish, honest, peaceable, thankful, forgiving, industrious, morally upright, obedient and so forth. But now parents have special help by means of a new kind of book. It is entitled “Listening to the Great Teacher.” Here is a volume designed for parents and children to read together. When parents use it, their children come to realize that what they are being told is not just their parents’ view. It is what their Creator says. This gives impact to parental counsel. Delightfully illustrated, large print, easily understood wording, 192 pages, pocket-size, hardbound, pink cover, 46 fascinating chapters, Listening to the Great Teacher will be sent to you for only 25c.

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