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1. Brahma Purāṇa, Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Series, 1985, Volume 33, Part 1, pages 150-1.

2. The Sikh Religion, Max Arthur Macauliffe, 1985, Volume 1, page 196.

3. The Bhagavad-Gītā, translated by R. C. Zaehner, 1973, page 269.

4. The Sikh Religion, Volume 1, page 155.

Chapter 1: Loving God in Deed and Truth

1. The Spiritual Heritage of India, Swami Prabhavananda, 1980, page 133.

2. The Brahma Sūtra, translated by S. Radhakrishnan, 1960, page 169.

3. The Sikh Religion, Max Arthur Macauliffe, 1985, Volume 4, page 206.

4. Methods of Knowledge, Swami Satprakashananda, Indian edition 1984, page 195.

5. Ibid., page 194.

6. Ibid., page 193.

7. The Bhagavad-Gītā, translated by R. C. Zaehner, 1973, page 374.

8. The Spiritual Heritage of India, page 86.

Chapter 4: The Vedas —The Search for Truth

1. The Teaching of the Vedas, Maurice Phillips, 1895, page 7.

2. The Rig Veda, translated by Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty, 1981, page 103.

3. Ibid., page 241.

4. Ibid., page 217.

5. A New History of Sanskrit Literature, Krishna Chaitanya, 1962, page 47.

6. The Rig Veda, page 35.

7. The Teaching of the Vedas, page 129.

8. The Upanishads, translated by Juan Mascaró, 1979, page 10.

9. The Hymns of the Ṛgveda, translated by Ralph T. H. Griffith, 1976, page 628.

Chapter 5: The Upanishads —The Love of Philosophy

1. The Vedic Age, edited by R. C. Majumdar, 1971, page 502.

2. A History of Indian Philosophy, Surendranath Dasgupta, Indian edition 1975, Volume 1, page 43.

3. The Upanishads, translated by Juan Mascaró, 1979, page 85.

4. The Wisdom of the Forest—Sages of the Indian Upanishads, translated by Geoffrey Parrinder, 1975, page 90.

5. The Upanishads, translated by Alistair Shearer and Peter Russell, 1978, page 46.

6. The Upanishads, translated by Juan Mascaró, 1979, pages 56-7.

7. The Upaniṣads, translated by F. Max Müller, 1962, Part 1, page 81.

8. The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, translated by Robert Ernest Hume, 1983, page 233.

9. India, Joe David Brown and the editors of LIFE, revised English edition 1963, page 32.

10. The Vedic Age, edited by R. C. Majumdar, 1971, page 476.

11. Advanced History of India, K. A. Nilakanta Sastri and G. Srinivasachari, 1982, page 55.

Chapter 6: The Epics —Truth and Fable

1. The Spiritual Heritage of India, Swami Prabhavananda, 1980, page 80.

2. Hinduism, Margaret Stutley, 1985, page 33.

3. History of Philosophy Eastern and Western, edited by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and others, 1952, Volume 1, page 85.

4. The Vedic Age, edited by R. C. Majumdar, 1971, page 273.

5. Ibid., page 295.

6. Indian Wisdom, Monier Monier-Williams, 1978, page 448.

7. Ibid., page 451.

8. Hindu Myths, translated by Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty, 1978, page 38.

9. Hinduism and Its Rationalism, M. Hariharan, 1987, page 53.

10. A History of Indian Literature, Maurice Winternitz, Volume 1, 1987, pages 294-5.

11. The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India in Historical Outline, D. D. Kosambi, 1982, page 93.

Chapter 7: The Puranas and Hindu Worship Today

1. Hindu World, Benjamin Walker, first Indian edition 1983, Volume 2, page 254.

2. Brahma Purana, Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Series, Volume 33, Part 1, pages 150-1.

3. Epics, Myths and Legends of India, P. Thomas, 1980, page 16.

4. Encyclopaedia of Puranic Beliefs and Practices, Sadashiv A. Dange, 1986, Volume 1, page 200.

5. Hindu World, Volume 2, page 193.

6. India, Time-Life Books, 1986, page 38.

7. Epics, Myths and Legends of India, page 78.

8. Ibid., page 78; The Bhāgavata Purāṇa, translated by Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare, 1978, page 1463.

9. All About Hindu Temples, Swami Harshananda, 1981, page 14.

10. Encyclopaedia of Puranic Beliefs and Practices, Volume 1, pages 81-3.

11. Ibid., page 663.

Chapter 8: The Gurus —Their Role in Worship

1. The Spiritual Heritage of India, Swami Prabhavananda, 1980, page 147.

2. The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, translated from the Sanskrit, Robert Ernest Hume, 1983, pages 368-9.

3. The World of Gurus, Vishal Mangalwadi, 1977, pages 16-17.

4. Hinduism: Essence and Consequence, Arun Shourie, 1979, pages 356-7.

5. The World of Gurus, page 13.

6. Hinduism: Essence and Consequence, pages 356-7.

7. Hindu World, Benjamin Walker, first Indian edition 1983, Volume 1, pages 419-20.

8. Raja-Yoga, Swami Vivekananda, 1982, pages 240-1.

9. Tantrism, Benjamin Walker, 1985, page 132.

10. The World of Gurus, page 77.

11. Understanding Yoga, Tom McArthur, 1986, pages 103-4.

12. The World of Gurus, pages 142-3.

13. Ibid., page 95.

Chapter 9: Identifying God-Inspired Truth

1. Hindu World, Benjamin Walker, first Indian edition 1983, Volume 1, page 240.

2. God and the Astronomers, Robert Jastrow, Afterword by Dr. John A. O’Keefe and Professor Steven T. Katz, 1978, pages 131-2.

3. Cosmos, Carl Sagan, 1980, page 21.

4. The Bible Hand-Book: An Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture, Joseph Angus, 1868, page 122; Insight on the Scriptures, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1988, Volume 2, page 1032.

5. The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India in Historical Outline, D. D. Kosambi, 1982, page 78.

6. Advanced History of India, K. A. Nilakanta Sastri and G. Srinivasachari, 1982, page 83.

7. Scylax of Caria is credited with mentioning India in his writings before the time of Esther, but these are now lost. See The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 1992, Volume 10, page 576.

8. Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1985, pages 227-9.

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Quotation from The Upanishads, translated by Juan Mascaró, 1979, page 127.