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A Blessing From God!—this is the fervent desire of millions of Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. They perform daily acts of devotion and worship to obtain that blessing. Do you share their heartfelt yearning?

2 Indian sages have long taught the importance of such divine blessings. In the Brahma Purana, for example, they asked: “Which deity shall a devotee desiring liberation worship . . . ? Wherefrom is the supreme welfare gained? . . . Who is the god of gods?”⁠1 Guru Nanak later similarly inquired: “How shall man become true before God?”⁠2 Obviously, if we can answer these questions, we may expect rich blessings from God for ourselves and our families.

3 The Bhagavad Gita tells us that the one thing God asks of us is simply an offering of our love. “[The] highest Person is to be won by love-and-worship directed to none other,” it says.⁠3 The Sikh Granth Sahib agrees: “To serve God is to love Him, if pious men reflect on it.”⁠4 We can surely agree with this, but what instructions has God given us to guide us in the way of true worship?

4 The purpose of this brochure is to lead you to God’s own revelation of himself so that you may worship him in love and truth. It traces the search for Sruti, the God-inspired scriptures, and shows how you can be among the millions who now benefit from its teachings and receive blessings from God. May God guide you and your family in your search for eternal blessings and happiness, to his praise!