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Your Future—Shaky? Or Secure?

Your Future—Shaky? Or Secure?

Kingdom News No. 21

Your Future—Shaky? Or Secure?

What You Need for Real Security

True security involves many things. None can be ignored if you want security now and in the future. For example—

FREEDOM FROM ECONOMIC WORRIES. You will surely agree that security requires the means to provide for the needs of yourself and your family—enough food and other material things of life, at prices you can afford. You may have a good income now. But what assurance do you have that you will have it next month, next year? That is not all. You also need . . .

HAPPY RELATIONS WITH OTHERS. Suppose you do have material abundance; can you still feel secure without genuine love at home or a pleasant, peaceful neighborhood? How many people today have that? Also, to feel secure, you need companions that you could trust with both your possessions and your confidential thoughts and feelings. Do you have companions like that?

GOOD HEALTH. If your health is good now, you can be happy. But how long will this last? Not only disease and old age, but even violent crime and accidents can rob you of this. Another thing to think about is . . .

A REAL PURPOSE IN LIFE. Do you just live from day to day? Or do you have a goal in life? Even if you reach it, how sure are you that it will bring lasting satisfaction?

All too often these things that make for true security are missing. Why?

Are You Looking to the Right Source?

Most people put their trust in human leaders. When you look at the world they have built, would you say that the results are satisfying?

The cold fact is that these men are trying to patch up a structure that is about to collapse. Besides this, can they individually guarantee their own future? Since they cannot, how can they guarantee yours?

But where else is there to look? Well, who would know more about the earth and life upon it than mankind’s Creator? As the Bible truthfully says: “Unless Jehovah [the true God] himself builds the house, it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it.”—Psalm 127:1.

Well, then, what will God do to make your future secure?

Why You Can Look to the Future with Confidence

You can be confident about the future because of the loving purpose of Jehovah God, the Creator of this earth on which you live.

In the Bible he has had written a detailed description of his purpose for the earth and mankind. No other book has been so widely distributed—millions of copies in over 1,500 languages. Would you not expect that of a message from God for all mankind? How much of it have you read personally? Its message is most timely!

“The world is passing away.” That is what the Bible says. (1 John 2:17) But you can see that for yourself. The widespread breakdown in respect for authority, the economic crises, pollution of the environment and deterioration of morals all point to that same conclusion. And what is more, the Bible long ago pinpointed our day as the time when this would take place. It tells how the end will come, what will be destroyed and what will remain. It says:

‘The earth will remain to time indefinite.’ ‘The wicked will be cut off, but the upright will continue to reside on the earth.’ (Ecclesiastes 1:4; Proverbs 2:21, 22) God will remove the wicked and leave a human society of upright persons loving righteousness. This is vital to true security. But how will this come about?

God has purposed a new government, an entirely new system of things, to administer the affairs of mankind. This will not be just another whitewashed form of shaky human rule. As his own Word says, “The kingship must become Jehovah’s.” (Obadiah 21; Matthew 6:9, 10) And He will rule by means of a heavenly government, in the hands of his own Son, Jesus Christ.

Only this new system built by our Creator can ever bring us real security.

● Only this new system will bring us lasting freedom from economic worries.

● Only this new system can open the way for all mankind to enjoy happy relations with all their fellowmen.

● Only this new system will bring true relief from sickness and death.

● Only belief in this new system can give you a real purpose in life.

How can you be sure of these things? You need to prove them to yourself by a study of the Bible. Your entire future is at stake. Do not put it off; act now! You will be greatly aided in doing so by reading the two hardbound, 192-page books shown here. Jehovah’s witnesses will also be glad to visit you personally to show you why there is overwhelming reason to put faith in the Bible, and what it says that has a definite bearing on your own future. Simply make the request, using the coupon below.

[ ] Please send me, postpaid, the two 192-page hardbound books “True Peace and Security—From What Source?” and “Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?” I enclose 50 cents as full payment.

[ ] I would appreciate it if a qualified person would visit me, free of charge, to aid me to get better acquainted with the Bible.

What a Secure Future Can Mean for You

It can mean benefiting from fulfillment of God’s grand promises found in the Bible. Consider just a few of those promises:

Freedom from Fear

“Nation will not lift up sword against nation.” “My people must dwell in a peaceful abiding place and in residences of full confidence and in undisturbed resting-places.”—Isaiah 2:4; 32:18.

End of Crime

“The transgressors themselves will certainly be annihilated together; the future of wicked people will indeed be cut off.”—Psalm 37:38.

Happy Families

“All the families of the earth will be blessed.”—Acts 3:25.

Health and Long Life

“[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4.

Plenty of Food

“The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us.”—Psalm 67:6.

Earth a Paradise

“You will be with me in Paradise.” “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Luke 23:43; Psalm 37:29.

A future that meets this description would indeed be secure. Do you not agree? It can be your future. God does not lie; he will do what he has promised. But will you benefit? To do so, you must learn his requirements and bring your life into line with them now.

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True Peace and Security—From What Source

Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?