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Don’t Give Up in Doing What Is Fine!

Don’t Give Up in Doing What Is Fine!


  • 9:30 Music

  • 9:40 Song No. 77 and Prayer

  • 9:50 Why Is It Difficult to Do What Is Fine?

  • 10:05 Symposium: Avoid Sowing to the Flesh

    • Use Social Media Wisely

    • Choose Wholesome Entertainment

    • Fight the Spirit of Envy

    • Invest in a Secure Future

  • 11:05 Song No. 45 and Announcements

  • 11:15 Keep Working Good Toward All

  • 11:30 Dedication and Baptism

  • 12:00 Song No. 63


  • 1:10 Music

  • 1:20 Song No. 127 and Prayer

  • 1:30 Public Bible Discourse: Avoid Mocking God​—In What Sense?

  • 2:00 Summary of The Watchtower

  • 2:30 Song No. 59 and Announcements

  • 2:40 Symposium: Keep Sowing to the Spirit

    • Develop Good Study Habits

    • Use Bible Principles to Guide Your Life

    • “Do Not Let Your Hand Rest”

  • 3:40 What We Will Reap if We Do Not Tire Out

  • 4:15 Song No. 126 and Prayer