This Bible dictionary defines both Biblical and non-Biblical terms. The definitions include Hebrew and Greek root words.
* Non-Biblical Term
- Ab
- Abib
- Abyss
- Achaia
- Adar
- Adultery
- Alabaster
- Alamoth
- Aleppo Codex*
- Alpha and Omega
- Altar
- Amen
- Ancient Near (Middle) East*
- Angels
- Anoint
- Antichrist
- Aorist*
- Apostasy
- Apostle
- Arabia; Arabian
- Aram; Aramaeans
- Aramaic
- Aramaic Targums*
- Archangel
- Areopagus
- Ark of the covenant
- Armageddon
- Armenian version*
- Armor
- Aselgeia
- Ashtoreth
- Asia
- Assembly
- Astrologer
- Atonement
- Azazel
- Cab
- Caesar
- Canaan
- Canon (Bible canon)*
- Capital
- Cassia
- Centurion*
- Chaff
- Chaldea; Chaldeans
- Chariot
- Chemosh
- Cherubs
- Chief Agent
- Chief priest
- Chislev
- Christ
- Christian
- Christian Greek Scriptures*
- Circumcision
- Cities of refuge
- City of David
- Clean
- Codex Alexandrinus*
- Codex Sinaiticus*
- Codex Vaticanus*
- Communion offering
- Conclusion of the system of things
- Concubine
- Congregation
- Coptic translations*
- Copyist*
- Cor
- Coral
- Cornerstone
- Courtyard
- Covenant
- Cubit
- Curse
- Curtain
- Macedonia
- Magistrates
- Mahalath
- Malcam
- Manna
- Manuscripts*
- Maskil
- Masoretic text*
- Measuring reed
- Medes; Media
- Mediator
- Memorial tomb
- Merodach
- Messiah
- Metaphor*
- Miktam
- Milcom
- Mildew
- Mile
- Millstone
- Mina
- Ministerial servant
- Miracles; Powerful works
- Mishnah*
- Molech
- Moloch
- Morning star
- Moses, Law of
- Most Holy, the
- Mound
- Mourning
- Muth-labben
- Myrrh
- Papyrus
- Paradise
- Parchment
- Party followers of Herod
- Passover
- Pentateuch*
- Pentecost
- Persia; Persians
- Pestilence
- Pharaoh
- Pharisees
- Philistia; Philistines
- Philo*
- Phoenicia*
- Pillar
- Pim
- Pledge
- Pomegranate
- Porneia
- Potter
- Praetorian Guard
- Prefect
- Preparation
- Presence
- Priest
- Proconsul
- Prophecy
- Prophet
- Propitiation
- Propitiatory cover
- Proselyte
- Prostitute
- Proverb
- Psalm
- Purim
- Sabbath
- Sackcloth
- Sacred pillar
- Sacred pole
- Sacred secret
- Sacred service
- Sacrifice
- Sadducees
- Samaria
- Samaritan Pentateuch*
- Samaritans
- Sanctuary
- Sanhedrin
- Satan
- Satrap
- Scepter
- Scourge
- Scribe
- Scripture(s)
- Scroll
- Seah
- Seal
- Seal ring
- Sect
- Seer
- Selah
- Semitic*
- Septuagint*
- Seraphs
- Sexual immorality
- Shebat
- Shekel
- Sheminith
- Sheol
- Showbread
- Sign
- Sin offering
- Sivan
- Sling
- Snuffers
- Solomon’s Colonnade
- Song of the Ascents
- Son of David
- Son of man
- Sons of Aaron
- Sorcery
- Soul
- Span
- Spelt
- Spirit
- Spiritism
- Spirit medium
- Spoil
- Stake
- Stocks
- Stoic philosophers
- Superscription
- Synagogue
- Syria; Syrians
- Syrtis
- System(s) of things
- Tabernacle
- Tacitus, Publius Cornelius*
- Talent
- Talmud*
- Tammuz
- Tarshish, ships of
- Tartarus
- Tebeth
- Temple
- Tenth (tithe)
- Tent of meeting
- Teraphim
- Testimony
- Tetragrammaton*
- Tetrarch*
- Thanksgiving offering
- Thessalonica
- Thresh; Threshing floor
- Tishri
- Torture stake
- Transgress; Transgression
- Transliterate*
- Tree of life
- Tree of the knowledge of good and bad
- Tribute
- True God, the
- Trumpet
- Turban
- Tyndale, William*
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