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Jesus Teaches on a Mountain

Jesus Teaches on a Mountain

SEE Jesus sitting here. He is teaching all these people on a mountain in Galʹi·lee. Those sitting closest to him are his disciples. He has chosen 12 of them to be apostles. The apostles are Jesus’ special disciples. Do you know their names?

There is Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. Then there are James and John, who are brothers too. Another apostle is also named James, and another one is also called Simon. Two apostles are named Judas. One is Judas Is·carʹi·ot, and the other Judas is also called by the name Thad·daeʹus. Then there are Philip and Na·thanʹa·el (also called Bar·tholʹo·mew), and Matthew and Thomas.

After coming back from Sa·marʹi·a, Jesus began to preach for the first time: ‘The kingdom of the heavens is near.’ Do you know what that kingdom is? It is a real government of God. Jesus is its king. He will rule from heaven and bring peace to the earth. The whole earth will be made into a beautiful paradise by God’s kingdom.

Jesus is here teaching the people about the kingdom. ‘This is how you should pray,’ he is explaining. ‘Our Father in heaven, let your name be honored. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.’ Many people call this ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’ Others call it the ‘Our Father.’ Can you say the whole prayer?

Jesus also is teaching the people how they should treat one another. ‘Do for others what you want them to do for you,’ he says. Don’t you like it when others treat you in a kind way? So, Jesus is saying, we should treat other people kindly. Won’t it be wonderful in the paradise earth when everybody will do this?