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What the Bible Foretells Comes True

What the Bible Foretells Comes True

The Bible not only gives the true story of what happened in the past but also tells what will happen in the future. Humans cannot tell the future. That is why we know that the Bible is from God. What does the Bible say about the future?

It tells about a great war of God. In this war God will clean the earth of all badness and bad people, but he will protect those who serve him. God’s king, Jesus Christ, will see to it that God’s servants enjoy peace and happiness, and that they will never get sick again or die.

We can be glad that God will make a new paradise on earth, can’t we? But we must do something if we are to live in this paradise. In the last story of the book we learn what we must do to enjoy the wonderful things God has in store for those who serve him. So read PART 8 and find out what the Bible foretells for the future.




The End of All Badness

Why does God send his army led by Jesus into battle at Armageddon?


A New Paradise on Earth

People lived in paradise on earth once, and it will happen again.


How We Can Live Forever

Is it enough just to know about Jehovah and Jesus? If not, what else is needed?