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How Can We Make God a Bigger Part of Our Life?

How Can We Make God a Bigger Part of Our Life?

“Not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah’s mouth.”DEUTERONOMY 8:3.

IN ORDER for us to make God a bigger part of our life, we need to learn what he has revealed about himself through the Scriptures. But there is more to knowing God than merely learning about him. We need to know him as a Person.

Is knowing God beyond human ability?

“Before him pour out your heart,” as David did

God himself makes it possible for us to know him. King David told his son Solomon: “Know the God of your father . . . If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you.” (1 Chronicles 28:9) Many such expressions in the Scriptures show that a close relationship with God is possible and very desirable. God wants to have that kind of relationship with us. Because of Abraham’s faith, God referred to him as “my friend.” (Isaiah 41:8) If we show faith and respond to God’s direction, he will bless, protect, and help us too.

Why should we pray from the heart?

When we pray, God listens. “The desire of the meek ones you will certainly hear, O Jehovah. . . . You will pay attention with your ear.” (Psalm 10:17) Rather than simply reciting a written or memorized prayer, we should do as the Scriptures tell us: “Before him pour out your heart.” (Psalm 62:8 [62:9, TNK]) We should feel free to ‘draw near’ to him as our beloved Father, openly expressing any and all concerns. “The prayer of the upright ones is a pleasure to him.”Psalm 73:28; Proverbs 15:8; Isaiah 64:8 [64:7, TNK].