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Is There Really a Most High Creator?

Is There Really a Most High Creator?

Does not the beautiful earth demonstrate that there is a caring Creator?

1-5. (a) What is the probability of a simple protein molecule coming into existence by chance? (b) What is a basic fact that evolution cannot explain?

IS THERE a God who is the Creator of all things? About this question, there are many opinions. Some people reason that since we cannot see God, how can we believe in him? Others, seeing that there is so much suffering on earth, wonder: ‘How could there really be a God who genuinely cares about mankind? If he does exist, would he not have long ago brought an end to all the suffering?’ Is that how you feel?

2 The suffering and calamities besetting mankind are truly disheartening. Yet, the earth is filled with life in abundant variety, all intricately designed. How did all these things come about if there was no Creator? Those who believe in evolution assert that simple life-forms originated by chance; then they gradually evolved into more-complex living things. What, though, is the likelihood of life originating by accident?

Did Life Come About by Chance?

3 The basic unit of living things is the cell, and the basic material that makes up a cell is protein. Evolutionists acknowledge that the probability of the right atoms and molecules falling into place to form just one simple protein molecule is about 1 in 10113, or 1 followed by 113 zeros. In other words, it could take 10113 chances for the event to occur once. But any event that has one chance in 1050 is dismissed by mathematicians as never happening.

4 However, far more than one simple protein molecule is needed for life to occur. For a cell to maintain its functions, some 2,000 different proteins are needed. What, then, is the probability of all of these happening at random? It is estimated that it is 1 in 1040,000, or 1 followed by 40,000 zeros! Are you willing to rest your faith on such an outrageously remote probability?

5 If the probability is so remote for a cell to come into existence by accident, it would be even more so for the cell to evolve into the great variety of complicated living things. The fact is that between humans and beasts, there are differences far greater than the obvious physical ones. Man is endowed with a conscience; he has feelings, aesthetic values, moral concepts, thinking ability, and reasoning powers. Animals do not possess these capabilities. If man evolved from the animals, why is there such a huge gulf between man and beast? This is another thorny problem for the evolutionists.

Our Awesome Universe

The orderly universe requires a Designer . . .

6, 7. In what ways does the universe, especially the earth, display marvelous design?

6 Our awesome universe provides overwhelming evidence for the existence of a Grand Creator. Some astronomers estimate that there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe and that each galaxy may contain as many as 100 billion stars! Some stars are many times the size of our sun. The galaxies are not just haphazardly thrown together but are set out in an organized and orderly manner.

7 The earth is a wonder among all the heavenly bodies in the universe. It is, in fact, unique. The earth provides just the right environment to accommodate living things comfortably, like a magnificent and well-provisioned house. It is a vast storehouse that has all of life’s necessities​—food, air, water, and light—​and much more. Surely, no intelligent person would ever believe that a fully equipped and stocked house had no designer but just came about by chance. Would it not be even more unreasonable to think that the earth, equipped with everything that is essential for life, just came about by chance?

. . . much as a well-equipped house requires a builder

The Marvelous Human Body

A single cell is as complex as a city

8, 9. What does the intricate design of the human body reveal?

8 The marvelous structure of our human body also testifies to the existence of a Creator. A close look at a tiny living cell will help us to understand why. Our body is made up of about 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) tiny cells. The complexity of each living cell can be likened to that of a city with its many operations, such as power generation, management, transportation, and defense. In addition, the cell’s nucleus contains tens of thousands of genes in the intricately arranged DNA. It is said that our DNA contains enough information to fill an encyclopedia of 1,000 volumes. All this information constitutes a genetic blueprint and determines our skin color, hair type, stature, and countless other details of our body. If all construction blueprints require meticulous design, then who designed the complex genetic blueprint in our body?

9 The structure and the function of the various organs in our body are so intricate and ingenious that no man-made machine can even remotely compare with it. Of all the organs in our body, not one is more astounding than the human brain. The New Encyclopædia Britannica notes: “Transmission of information within the nervous system is more complex than the largest telephone exchanges; problem solving by a human brain exceeds by far the capacity of the most powerful computers.” To scientists, the awesome function of our brain is cause for wonderment. Could this marvelous organ have been formed simply by having the correct atoms and molecules fall into place at random?

10-12. (a) Why is it not superstitious or unreasonable to believe in the existence of God? (b) Based on the evidence presented, what is your view on God’s existence?

10 What conclusion can we draw from all of this? One thing we can agree on is that laws must have a law-giver and that design requires a designer. Since precise order, complex design, and immense wisdom are observed in everything​—from the smallest cell to the boundless universe—​is it not reasonable and logical to believe that there must be an all-intelligent and all-powerful Designer behind them?

Wind-powered generators prove the existence of wind and electricity, though these are invisible

11 The Bible is right when it says about God: “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.” (Romans 1:20) Even though we cannot see God, our belief in his existence is no mere superstition. Daily, we deal with many things we cannot see, such as wind, electricity, magnetism, and the force of gravity. We know that they exist because we can observe the effects they produce. Similarly, the intricate design and the superb order in the universe distinctly testify to the existence of a Grand Creator.

12 God is invisible, so how can we come to know him as a Person and establish a personal relationship with him? God has made it possible for us to know him, primarily by two means. Through his creation, God gives a clear indication of his wisdom, power, and love. In addition, he has inspired men to write a book, providing further information about himself. That book is the Bible.