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Principle: “We were determined to impart to you, not only the good news of God but also our very selves, because you became so beloved to us.”​—1 Thess. 2:8.

What Jesus Did

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read John 3:1, 2. Then consider the following questions:

  1.    Why might Nicodemus have preferred to approach Jesus at night?​—See John 12:42, 43.

  2.   By meeting with Nicodemus at night, how did Jesus show that he was committed to making disciples?

What Do We Learn From Jesus?

2. We show that we love people by being committed to helping them become disciples.

Imitate Jesus

3. Study at a time and place convenient for your Bible student. He may prefer a specific day of the week or time of day. Would he be more comfortable studying at his workplace, in his home, or in a public place? To the extent possible, adjust your schedule to accommodate his needs.

4. Study regularly. If you will be away, do not cancel the study session. Instead, consider:

  1.    Could you conduct the study at another time that week?

  2.   Could you conduct your study over the phone or by videoconferencing?

  3.   Could you ask another publisher to conduct?

5. Pray for the right attitude. Ask Jehovah for help to remain committed to your student, even if he struggles to study regularly or to apply Scriptural counsel. (Phil. 2:13) Likely your student has many good qualities; pray for help to focus on them.