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An End to All Problems

An End to All Problems

All the information that Buddhika shared about Jehovah really impressed Sanath, but something was still troubling him. He asked Buddhika: “If Jehovah is such a powerful and loving Person who created all things, why is there so much trouble on earth? Why do we have so many problems?”

“This is a very good question, and many people have been puzzled by it,” Buddhika told Sanath. “When we consider the qualities of Jehovah God, it should be clear that the current bad conditions on earth cannot be what he wants for his earthly children. For this reason, to understand why things are the way they are, we need to understand what God’s original purpose for the earth was and what has happened to it.”

Buddhika then explained to Sanath how Jehovah God felt when he finished his earthly creative work. Here is the verse that Buddhika read:

  • “God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.”​—Genesis 1:31.

The crowning glory of Jehovah’s creation was the first human couple. Their names were Adam and Eve. God created them perfect, just as the rest of his creation was, so that they could live forever on earth. God put them in a beautiful park called the garden of Eden. There, they were supplied with everything they needed for a happy life. They lacked nothing. (Genesis 2:8, 9) Furthermore, Jehovah told them to have many children and fill the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:28) This means that eventually the whole planet would become one large Paradise filled with a perfect, happy family of people. What a marvelous prospect!

What went wrong? Buddhika showed Sanath a simple explanation from the Bible:

  • “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.”​—Romans 5:12.

As a loving Father, Jehovah God gave Adam and Eve certain rules, or standards, by which they could continue to live and care for the paradise. (Genesis 2:15-17) And as a wise Father, Jehovah did not force them to do what he said but allowed them to show their love for him by choosing to be his obedient children. Like us, Adam and Eve had freedom of choice. What did they do?

Sadly, Adam and Eve chose not to follow the direction of their Creator. They went their own way. Because of this, they sinned. To sin means to miss the mark of perfection. Soon, Adam and Eve began to grow old and die. This was exactly what Jehovah God had said would happen to them if they did not hold to his standards.​—Genesis 2:17.

Since all of us are the offspring of Adam and Eve, we have inherited their imperfection, and that is why we grow old and die. However, to reassure Sanath, Buddhika pointed out that Jehovah’s purpose for mankind has not changed. As a loving Father, Jehovah still wants humans to enjoy life on a paradise earth. Buddhika showed Sanath and Vasana this Bible verse:

  • “This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited.”​—Isaiah 45:18.

God’s original purpose for the earth will be realized

Buddhika reminded Sanath and Vasana of all the beautiful promises in the Bible. There would be no more sickness, pain, and suffering; there would be plenty of food and good housing for everyone; and there would be no more death. All these blessings were part of God’s original, unchangeable purpose for mankind​—life without end on a paradise earth. Buddhika showed Sanath this promise:

  • “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”​—Psalm 37:29.

That is what Jehovah God promised, and that is what will come true.