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Getting to Know the Originator of All Things

Getting to Know the Originator of All Things

Sanath was happy to learn about all the things that Jehovah had promised, but he wondered how anyone could have the power to fulfill these promises. Buddhika explained that to understand how Jehovah could do everything he promised, they could think about a basic idea that everyone was familiar with​—the law of cause and effect.

Buddhika said that this basic fact is also explained in the Bible, and he showed Sanath this Bible text:

  • “Every house is constructed by someone.”​—Hebrews 3:4.

“That seems logical,” Sanath responded. “Surely, no house can come about without a builder.”

“To take your observation one step further,” said Buddhika, “I might add that no meal was ever prepared without a cook.”

Then Buddhika reminded Sanath that all around them were things much greater and more complex than a house. “Look at the delicate flowers, the majestic mountains, the powerful sea, and the boundless universe,” he said. “If a house needs a designer and a builder and a meal has to be prepared by a cook, then what about all the marvelous things in the universe? Do they not also require a Designer and Maker?”

Sanath had to agree that Buddhika had a good point.

“The Bible says that, indeed, there is an original Designer and Maker of all things,” Buddhika continued. “Of course, to be the Maker of all things, this One would have to be a powerful and mighty Person. That is why the Bible calls him God. In the original language of the Bible, this word means ‘Mighty One’ or ‘Strong One.’ Today, there are many whom people call ‘gods,’ but because Jehovah made all things, he is rightly called Almighty God.”

Everything requires a designer and maker

Sanath was surprised to see that the Bible describes the many wonderful works of Jehovah God. These are a few examples of what Buddhika showed him:

  • “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”​—Genesis 1:1.

  • “Know that Jehovah is God. It is he that has made us, and not we ourselves.”​—Psalm 100:3.

  • “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”​—Psalm 19:1.

  • “He who is building in the heavens his stairs, and his structure over the earth that he founded; he who is calling for the waters of the sea, that he may pour them out upon the surface of the earth​—Jehovah is his name.”​—Amos 9:6.

Yes, Jehovah God is the Maker of all things. But he did more than just form, or make, things. He gave life to all creatures. “With you is the source of life,” the Bible says of Jehovah. (Psalm 36:9) So he is the Giver of life, the Creator. Since Jehovah is the Originator of life, he truly is our Father. That is why the Bible says: “Is it not one father that all of us have? Is it not one God that has created us?”​—Malachi 2:10.

Jehovah is the Source of life

“Well, well!” Sanath exclaimed. “I must say that when we look at the things around us and think about them, it is not hard to see that there has to be an original cause, a Designer, a Life-Giver​—a Creator.”

“If he had the power to create all these things,” Vasana joined in excitedly, “then he must also have the power to fulfill all the promises he made in the Bible!”

To Sanath and Vasana, everything they heard that day made perfect sense, but they wondered what sort of Person this powerful Designer is.