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Why is the Bible a sound basis for discipline?

Why do we all need guidance and correction?

Discipline from Jehovah is evidence of what?

Pr 3:11, 12; Heb 12:7-9

See also De 8:5; Pr 13:24; Re 3:19

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

Why is it wise to take God’s discipline seriously?

What may result to those who reject God’s discipline?

Pr 1:24-26; 13:18; 15:32; 29:1

See also Jer 7:27, 28, 32-34

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Jer 5:3-7​—God’s people harden their heart and refuse to change after being disciplined, leading to more severe discipline

    • Zep 3:1-8​—Because Jerusalem’s inhabitants refuse to accept Jehovah’s discipline, they suffer disaster

What benefits result from heeding Jehovah’s discipline?

Pr 4:13; 1Co 11:32; Tit 1:13; Heb 12:10, 11

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • De 30:1-6​—The prophet Moses foretells the blessings that will come to those who learn from Jehovah’s discipline of His people

    • 2Ch 7:13, 14​—Jehovah tells King Solomon about the good effects that come from heeding divine discipline

How can we benefit from discipline administered to others?

Why should we not rejoice when others need severe discipline?

What must we do if we are to benefit from God’s discipline and counsel?

Jos 1:8; Jas 1:25

See also De 17:18, 19; Ps 119:97

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • 1Ch 22:11-13​—King David promises his son Solomon that Jehovah will bless him as long as he carefully follows His guidance

    • Ps 1:1-6​—Jehovah promises blessings to those who read his law and meditate on it

Why do loving parents discipline their children?

See “Parents

How should children respond to parental discipline?