To whom alone may worship be properly directed?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 4:8-10—Satan offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for an act of worship; Jesus rejects the offer, determined to worship only Jehovah
Re 19:9, 10—A mighty angel refuses worship from the apostle John
How does Jehovah expect to be worshipped?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Isa 1:10-17—Jehovah rejects and despises hypocritical acts of worship from people who refuse to live by his standards
Mt 15:1-11—Jesus shows that Jehovah does not accept formalistic worship, which puts human commands above the laws of God
Whenever possible, with whom should we worship Jehovah?
See also Ps 133:1-3
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ac 2:40-42—In the first century, Christians gathered together to pray, to associate, and to study teachings inspired by holy spirit
1Co 14:26-40—The apostle Paul directs that the congregation meetings be orderly and encouraging so that all can learn and understand what is being taught
What should we do to make sure that our worship is acceptable to Jehovah?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Heb 11:6—The apostle Paul explains that faith is essential if we want to worship Jehovah acceptably
Jas 2:14-17, 24-26—James, Jesus’ half brother, explains that our faith must be accompanied by works; our faith moves us to action