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  1. My People​—The Story of the Jews, Abba Eban, 1984, New Edition, page 107.

  2. New Scientist, May 26, 1977, page 478.

  3. Chumash and Rashi’s Commentary, translated by A. M. Silbermann, 1985, page 245.

  4. Ibid., page 245.

  5. Encyclopaedia Judaica (Second printing), 1973, Volume 7, page 679.

  6. Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, Koehler and Baumgartner, 1953, page 951.

  7. Everyman’s Talmud, A. Cohen, 1949, page 24.

  8. Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1973, Volume 10, page 390.

  9. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, edited by Geoffrey Wigoder, 1977, page 1330.

  10. The Jewish People and Jesus Christ, Jakób Jocz, 1954, page 142.

  11. A Jew Today, Elie Wiesel, translated from the French by Marion Wiesel, 1979, page 13.

  12. Jesus of Nazareth​—His Life, Times, and Teaching, Joseph Klausner, translated by H. Danby, 1947, pages 389-90.

  13. Josephus​—The Jewish War, translated by G. A. Williamson, 1981, page 167.