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Will There Ever Be a World Without War?​—In our time we have seen the most devastating wars ever to afflict humankind. Millions of widows, widowers, and orphans have been left to grieve for their loved ones. At the 1991 Madrid Middle East peace conference, Yitzhak Shamir said: “I am sure that there is no Arab mother who wants her son to die in battle​—just as there is no Jewish mother who wants her son to die in war.” Thus, our title is appropriate, Will There Ever Be a World Without War?

Also, have you ever asked: Is there any way to confirm the existence of God? If so, why has he allowed so much suffering? What is God’s purpose for us, and how can we know it? What evidence is there that the Bible is inspired? Exactly what is the state of the dead, and what hope, if any, is there for them? These questions and others will be covered in the course of this discussion.

Mt. Hermon

The Sea of Galilee

Mt. Tabor

Earth could be a paradise​—man has made it a battlefield