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Will There Ever Be a World Without War?

Will There Ever Be a World Without War?

1, 2. What questions arise regarding the world’s future?

EVER since its establishment as a modern state in 1948, Israel has been in readiness against its neighbors. This confrontation, this running dispute, has left a trail of bereaved and mourning mothers, wives, children, and others​—on both sides. Yet, one of mankind’s natural desires, especially at the family level, is to be able to live in peace.

2 However, war and strife are not just Middle Eastern problems. Powder kegs waiting to be ignited seem to be lying around all over the world. So the question is, Will peace, not just in the Middle East but world peace, ever be achieved? If so, how will it be accomplished? Will it be by means of mankind’s political, religious, and ethnic goodwill? Does that seem likely? Or will God, the earth’s Owner and Creator, have to intervene?

3-5. (a) What promise regarding peace is given in the Bible? (b) What questions need further investigation?

3 The Hebrew Scriptures give us heartening prophecies about a time when the nations “shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not take up sword against nation; they shall never again know war.”​—Isaiah 2:4.

4 It was not only Isaiah who spoke of this world-​encompassing peace. (Psalm 46:9-11 [46:8-10, NW]) A time of complete peace and harmony among men is really a major theme in the Bible. As Israeli statesman and author Abba Eban noted, the Hebrew Scriptures gave the ancient Israelites a unique future perspective and hope, as “Israel alone looked forward to a golden age in the future.”1 Yes, a marvelous future is near at hand for all mankind, an end to war, and much more. Isaiah also prophesied of Paradise conditions earth wide​—an end to poverty, sickness, and even death.​—Isaiah 11:9; 25:8; 33:24; 35:5, 6; 65:21.

5 Some may respond, ‘Those prophecies were written thousands of years ago, yet war still exists. How can the Bible be considered a reliable source of hope? What concrete proof exists that the Bible is truly the Word of God?’