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February 24–March 2


February 24–March 2

Song 35 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)


1. Why Put Your Heart Into Personal Study?

(10 min.)

To show appreciation for the truth (Pr 2:3, 4; w22.08 18 ¶16)

To help you make good decisions (Pr 2:5-7; w22.10 19 ¶3-4)

To strengthen your faith (Pr 2:11, 12; w16.09 23 ¶2-3)

ASK YOURSELF, ‘How could I improve my personal study routine?’

2. Spiritual Gems

(10 min.)

  • Pr 2:7​—In what way is Jehovah “a shield for those walking in integrity”? (it-1 1211 ¶4)

  • What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?

3. Bible Reading

(4 min.) Pr 2:1-22 (th study 12)


4. Starting a Conversation

(4 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. Show a person how to find information on that is helpful to married couples. (lmd lesson 1 point 3)

5. Following Up

(3 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Offer a magazine on a topic that the person showed interest in during your last conversation. (lmd lesson 9 point 3)

6. Talk

(5 min.) lmd appendix A point 8​—Theme: A Husband and a Wife Should Be Loyal to Each Other. (th study 13)


Song 96

7. Are You a Treasure Hunter?

(15 min.) Discussion.

Young ones, do you like the idea of searching for a hidden treasure? If so, the Bible invites you to hunt for the most valuable treasure in the universe​—the knowledge of God! (Pr 2:4, 5) You can find this treasure by making time to read the Bible regularly and by digging into the accounts that you read. Doing so can be enjoyable and rewarding!

  • What questions can you ask yourself as you read the Bible? (w24.02 32 ¶2-3)

  • What tools can you use to find the answers?

The video series Learn From Jehovah’s Friends can help you to learn how to meditate on what you read in the Bible.

Play the VIDEO Learn From Jehovah’s Friends​—Abel.

Read Genesis 4:2-4 and Hebrews 11:4. Then ask the audience:

  • How did Abel show that he was Jehovah’s friend?

  • How did Abel build his faith in Jehovah?

  • How can you build your faith?

8. Congregation Bible Study

Concluding Comments (3 min.) | Song 102 and Prayer