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July 16-​22

LUKE 10-11

July 16-​22
  • Song 100 and Prayer

  • Opening Comments (3 min. or less)


  • The Parable of the Neighborly Samaritan”: (10 min.)

    • Lu 10:29-32​—First a priest and then a Levite failed to help a fellow Jew who was a victim of robbers [Play “The Road From Jerusalem to Jericho” media on Lu 10:30, nwtsty.] (w02 9/1 16-17 ¶14-15)

    • Lu 10:33-35​—A Samaritan showed outstanding love to the victim (“a certain Samaritan,” “bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them,” “an inn” study notes on Lu 10:33, 34, nwtsty)

    • Lu 10:36, 37​—We should demonstrate love toward all, not just toward people of the same social class, race, tribe, or nation (w98 7/1 31 ¶2)

  • Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)

    • Lu 10:18​—What was Jesus referring to when he told the 70 disciples: “I see Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven”? (“I see Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven” study note on Lu 10:18, nwtsty; w08 3/15 31 ¶11)

    • Lu 11:5-9​—What does the illustration about the persistent man teach us about praying? (“Friend, lend me three loaves,” “Stop bothering me,” “bold persistence” study notes on Lu 11:5-9, nwtsty)

    • What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?

    • What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?

  • Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Lu 10:1-16


  • Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. The person raises an objection that is common in your territory.

  • First Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. The person tells you that he is in the middle of eating his meal.

  • Second Return Visit Video: (5 min.) Play and discuss the video.