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What Are Your Goals for the New Service Year?

What Are Your Goals for the New Service Year?

Spiritual goals include anything we work hard to achieve so that we can serve Jehovah more fully and make him happy. They help us make advancement in the truth and are worth sacrifices of our time and energy. (1Ti 4:15) Why should we assess our goals regularly? Because circumstances change. A past goal may no longer be realistic, or we may have reached it and can set another.

A good time to assess goals is before the start of a new service year. Why not discuss the subject during family worship and set some personal and family goals?

What are your specific goals in the following areas, and what steps do you plan to take to reach them?

Bible reading, personal study, meeting attendance, commenting.​—w02 6/15 15 ¶14-15

Field ministry.​—w23.05 27 ¶4-5

Christian qualities.​—w22.04 23 ¶5-6
