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Ezra’s Conduct Brought Honor to Jehovah

Ezra’s Conduct Brought Honor to Jehovah

Ezra allowed God’s Word to touch his heart and affect his conduct (Ezr 7:10; w00 10/1 14 ¶8)

Through Ezra, others recognized the wisdom of God (Ezr 7:25; si 75 ¶5)

Because he humbled himself before God, Ezra was confident that Jehovah would guide and protect him (Ezr 8:21-23; it-1 1158 ¶4)

The godly wisdom demonstrated by Ezra moved the king to entrust him with heavy responsibilities. Like Ezra, we can bring honor to Jehovah by our conduct.

ASK YOURSELF, ‘Do unbelievers respect me for my godly conduct?’