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August 26–September 1


August 26–September 1

Song 97 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)


1. Israel’s Unfaithfulness​—A Warning Example

(10 min.)

Israel forgot Jehovah’s wonderful works (Ps 78:11, 42; w96 12/1 29-30)

Israel did not appreciate Jehovah’s provisions (Ps 78:19; w06 7/15 17 ¶16)

The Israelites did not learn from their errors but demonstrated a pattern of unfaithfulness (Ps 78:40, 41, 56, 57; w11 7/1 10 ¶3-4)

FOR MEDITATION: What will help us avoid being unfaithful to Jehovah?

2. Spiritual Gems

(10 min.)

  • Ps 78:24, 25​—Why is manna called “the grain of heaven” and “the bread of mighty ones”? (w06 7/15 11 ¶4)

  • What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?

3. Bible Reading

(4 min.) Ps 78:1-22 (th study 5)


4. Starting a Conversation

(3 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. Offer a Bible study. (lmd lesson 5 point 5)

5. Starting a Conversation

(3 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. Use a tract to start a conversation. Offer a Bible study. (lmd lesson 5 point 4)

6. Starting a Conversation

(1 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. The person asks you to be brief. Offer a Bible study. (lmd lesson 2 point 5)

7. Starting a Conversation

(4 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Without sharing a specific Bible truth, find a natural way to let the person know that you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and offer a Bible study. (lmd lesson 2 point 4)


Song 96

8. Learn From the Example of Philip the Evangelizer

(15 min.) Discussion.

The Scriptures are filled with examples, both good and bad. Time and effort are needed to learn from these examples. In addition to reading the Bible accounts, we must meditate on the lessons and then adjust our conduct accordingly.

Philip the evangelizer was a Christian who was known for being “full of spirit and wisdom.” (Ac 6:3, 5) What lessons can we learn from his example?

Play the VIDEO Learn From Them​—Philip the Evangelizer. Then ask the audience what lessons they learned from each of the following:

  • The reaction of Philip when his circumstances changed suddenly.​—Ac 8:1, 4, 5

  • The blessings Philip received from being willing to go where the need was greater.​—Ac 8:6-8, 26-31, 34-40

  • The benefits to Philip and his family from showing hospitality.​—Ac 21:8-10

  • The joy that the family in the dramatization experienced from following Philip’s example

9. Congregation Bible Study

Concluding Comments (3 min.) | Song 101 and Prayer