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Esther Acted Unselfishly for Jehovah and for His People

Esther Acted Unselfishly for Jehovah and for His People

Esther was brave and selfless in defending Jehovah and his people

8:3-5, 9

  • Esther and Mordecai were safe. But Haman’s decree to kill all the Jews was making its way to every corner of the empire

  • Esther risked her life again, appearing uninvited before the king. She wept for her people and asked the king to revoke the terrible edict

  • Laws passed in the king’s name could not be revoked. So the king empowered Esther and Mordecai to enact a new law

Jehovah gave his people a great victory

8:10-14, 17

  • A second proclamation was made, giving the Jews the right to defend themselves

  • Riders sped to every part of the empire, and the Jews prepared for battle

  • Many people saw evidence of God’s favor and became Jewish proselytes