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Welcome Our Guests

Welcome Our Guests

On March 23, some 12 million or more visitors are expected to attend the Memorial as our guests. What an outstanding witness they will receive as the speaker discusses Jehovah’s gift of the ransom and some of the future blessings that will result to mankind! (Isa 11:6-9; 35:5, 6; 65:21-23; Joh 3:16) However, the speaker is not the only one who will give a witness on this special occasion. All of us can have a share by warmly welcoming our guests. (Ro 15:7) Here are some suggestions.

  • Instead of going to your seat and waiting for the program to begin, welcome visitors and inactive ones with a warm smile and a friendly greeting

  • While giving special attention to acquaintances that you personally invited, be alert for others who may be there as a result of the invitation campaign. Invite new ones to sit with you. Share your Bible and songbook with them

  • After the talk, make yourself available to answer questions. If time is limited because your congregation must leave to make room for another congregation, make arrangements to visit the person within a few days. If you do not have his or her contact information, you might say: “I’d like to hear what you thought of the program. Is there a way that I can contact you?”