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Help Your Family to Remember Jehovah

Help Your Family to Remember Jehovah

Jeremiah was commissioned to warn the Jews of an impending destruction because they had forgotten their God, Jehovah. (Jer 13:25) How did the nation get to this sad spiritual state? Israelite families had lost their spirituality. Evidently family heads were not following Jehovah’s direction recorded at Deuteronomy 6:5-7.

Spiritually strong families contribute to the stability of our congregations today. Family heads can help their family to remember Jehovah by means of a regular and meaningful Family Worship program. (Ps 22:27) After watching the video These Words . . . Must Be on Your Heart”—Family Interviews, answer these questions:

  • How have some families successfully confronted the common challenges to family worship?

  • What are some of the rewards of having a regular and meaningful Family Worship program?

  • When it comes to family worship, what challenges do I have, and how do I plan to address them?