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Peter and John prepare the upper room for the Passover of 33 C.E.


Are You Preparing for the Memorial?

Are You Preparing for the Memorial?

Jesus’ last Passover was going to be significant. Because his death was imminent, he planned to eat the Passover meal with his apostles and introduce a new yearly observance, the Lord’s Evening Meal. So he dispatched Peter and John to get the room ready. (Lu 22:7-13; see cover picture.) This reminds us of the need to prepare for the Memorial on March 27. Congregations have likely made arrangements for a speaker, the emblems, and so forth. However, what can we do individually to get ready for the Memorial?

Prepare your heart. Read and meditate on the Memorial Bible reading. A schedule can be found in Examining the Scriptures Daily. Appendix B12 in the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures contains a more detailed schedule. (See also the April 2020 issue of the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook.) Families can find information to consider during their family worship on the importance of the ransom by checking the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Invite others to attend. Have a full share in the invitation campaign. Think about those whom you could invite, such as return visits, former Bible students, acquaintances, and relatives. Elders should be sure to invite those who are inactive. Remember that if someone does not live in your area, you can find the time and location of the Memorial where he lives by clicking the ABOUT US tab at the top of the home page and selecting “Memorial.”

What else can we do in order to prepare?