March 18-24
PSALMS 19-21
Song 6 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)
1. “The Heavens Are Declaring the Glory of God”
(10 min.)
Jehovah’s creation declares his glory (Ps 19:1; w04 1/1 8 ¶1-2)
Our sun is a wonder of creation (Ps 19:4-6; w04 6/1 11 ¶8-10)
We should take lessons from God’s creation (Mt 6:28; g95 11/8 7 ¶3)
FAMILY WORSHIP IDEA: Observe creation, and then discuss what it teaches us about Jehovah.
2. Spiritual Gems
(10 min.)
3. Bible Reading
(4 min.) Ps 19:1-14 (th study 11)
4. Starting a Conversation
(3 min.) PUBLIC WITNESSING. Offer the Memorial invitation to someone, and use to find the observance near him. (lmd lesson 2 point 3)
5. Starting a Conversation
(4 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Welcome someone who came to the Memorial because he found an invitation in his door. Arrange to answer his questions. (lmd lesson 3 point 4)
6. Explaining Your Beliefs
(5 min.) Talk. ijwfq 45—Theme: Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do? (th study 6)
Song 141
7. Use Creation to Build Your Faith
(15 min.) Discussion. Play the VIDEO. Then ask the audience:
How do various aspects of creation build your faith in the Creator?
8. Congregation Bible Study
(30 min.) bt chap. 7 ¶9-13, box on p. 56