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October 7-13

PSALMS 92-95

October 7-13

Song 84 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)


1. Serving Jehovah Is the Best Way of Life!

(10 min.)

Jehovah deserves our worship (Ps 92:1, 4; w18.04 26 ¶5)

He gives his people incomparable insight (Ps 92:5; w18.11 20 ¶8)

He values those who serve him even in their old age (Ps 92:12-15; w20.01 19 ¶18)

ASK YOURSELF, ‘What prevents me from dedicating myself to Jehovah and getting baptized?’

2. Spiritual Gems

(10 min.)

  • Ps 92:5​—How do these words well illustrate Jehovah’s wisdom? (cl 176 ¶18)

  • What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share?

3. Bible Reading

(4 min.) Ps 94:1-23 (th study 5)


4. Starting a Conversation

(4 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Create an opportunity to tell the person about the work that you do as a Bible teacher. (lmd lesson 5 point 3)

5. Following Up

(3 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Offer a Bible study to an interested person who has refused one in the past. (lmd lesson 8 point 4)

6. Making Disciples

(5 min.) Discussion with a Bible student who is not making progress. (lmd lesson 12 point 5)


Song 5

7. When Anxieties Overwhelm Young Ones

(15 min.) Discussion.

Those who serve Jehovah are not immune to anxiety. For example, David experienced anxiety at various times in his life, and so do many of our brothers today. (Ps 13:2; 139:23) Unfortunately, even young ones are affected. At times, anxiety may make routine activities, such as going to school or attending congregation meetings, seem overwhelming. It may even lead to panic attacks or suicidal thoughts.

Young ones, if ever you feel overwhelmed by anxiety, reach out to a parent or a mature adult. Make sure that you also turn to Jehovah for support. (Php 4:6) He will help you. (Ps 94:17-19; Isa 41:10) Consider Steing’s example.

Play the VIDEO Jehovah Cared for Me. Then ask the audience:

• What Bible verse helped Steing, and why?

• How did Jehovah care for him?

Parents, you can help your children to deal with anxiety by patiently listening to them, by expressing your love for them, and by helping them to build confidence in Jehovah’s love. (Tit 2:4; Jas 1:19) Rely on Jehovah to provide you with the comfort and strength that you need to support your children.

We may not know when someone in the congregation is dealing with severe anxiety or understand how he feels. Still, we can help by making all in the congregation feel loved and accepted.​—Pr 12:25; Heb 10:24.

8. Congregation Bible Study

Concluding Comments (3 min.) | Song 81 and Prayer