September 30–October 6
PSALMS 90-91
Song 140 and Prayer | Opening Comments (1 min.)
1. To Lengthen Your Life, Trust In Jehovah
(10 min.)
As humans, we cannot dramatically improve our life expectancy (Ps 90:10; wp19.3 5 ¶3-5)
Jehovah is from “everlasting to everlasting” (Ps 90:2; wp19.1 5, box)
He can and will give everlasting life to all those trusting in him (Ps 21:4; 91:16)
Never compromise your relationship with Jehovah by accepting medical treatment that goes against his standards.—w22.06 18 ¶16-17.
2. Spiritual Gems
(10 min.)
3. Bible Reading
(4 min.) Ps 91:1-16 (th study 10)
4. Starting a Conversation
(3 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. Without discussing the Bible, draw the person out so that you are able to determine how the Bible can make his daily life better. (lmd lesson 1 point 3)
5. Starting a Conversation
(4 min.) INFORMAL WITNESSING. (lmd lesson 1 point 4)
6. Talk
(5 min.) lmd appendix A point 5—Theme: You Can Live Forever on Earth. (th study 14)
Song 158
7. Treasure the Riches of God’s Patience—Jehovah’s View of Time
(5 min.) Discussion.
Play the VIDEO. Then ask the audience:
How can considering Jehovah’s view of time help us to await his promises patiently?
8. Organizational Accomplishments for September
(10 min.) Play the VIDEO.
9. Congregation Bible Study
(30 min.) bt chap. 16 ¶1-5, box on p. 128