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“We Are So Thankful!”

“We Are So Thankful!”

“We Are So Thankful!”

“I AM sure that the Awake! articles on strokes [February 8, 1998] played an important part in sustaining my mother’s life,” wrote Carol, in a letter to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada. Her mother had felt a numbness in her left arm, and by the next morning, she had begun having vision problems. “She wanted to wait until the next day to see her physician,” Carol explained, “so I strongly urged her to read the Awake! articles dealing with strokes. Within 15 minutes she called me back, saying that she had better go to the hospital. The doctors kept her overnight for observation. The next day they confirmed that she had had a couple of warning strokes, and they stated that it was wise that she went to the hospital when she did. We are so thankful for this series of articles!”

You may be surprised to know that the Bible contains practical guidance that promotes both physical and mental health. This fact is highlighted in the fascinating 32-page brochure A Book for All People, on pages 20 and 21 as well as on pages 25 and 26. You can request a copy by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

□ Send me a copy of the brochure A Book for All People.

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