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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Former Criminal I must write to say how much I appreciated the experience of Enrique Torres, Jr., entitled “From a Roaring Lion to a Meek Lamb.” (August 8, 1999) It highlighted the love and mercy of our God, Jehovah, and how patient he is with us. It also showed that as parents, we should never give up on our children, no matter how far away from God’s standards they stray.

J. F., England

I was raised a Christian, but because of bad association, I became involved in drugs and violence. At age 18, I was given a 25-year prison sentence. Although I have been reinstated into the Christian congregation, I often have feelings of unworthiness. However, after reading this article, I could appreciate that Jehovah is not far off from those who seek him. Although I’m still in prison, this experience encouraged me to stand firm.

R. B., United States

Hummingbirds The article “The Bird That Kisses Flowers” (August 8, 1999) was terrific. I have observed hummingbirds before, but I did not realize that they could be so small. Through words and pictures, you aroused my interest in these fascinating creatures.

R. H., Germany

I was impressed by the information and the beautiful illustrations. During the summertime hummingbirds often visit my garden. It is really a joy to watch these marvelous birds. Many times, just seeing them is enough to perk up my spirits.

C.S.S., Brazil

Ladder Safety Thank you for the article “Using Ladders—Do You Make These Safety Checks?” (August 8, 1999) I recently had a fall from a ladder and, as a result, had to undergo knee surgery. I appreciate the ten suggestions you gave and will remember them the next time I use a ladder.

D. N., Mexico

Space Station I am 16 years old, and space exploration has always fascinated me. So I want to express my gratitude for the article “The International Space Station—An Orbiting Laboratory.” (August 22, 1999) Articles like this mean a lot to me!

K. E., United States

You give glory to this space station without one word of condemnation. God has not mentioned this as part of his plan for man. And the cost of one launch, while millions starve, is shameful. You discredit God when you give glory to such things.

P.N.M., England

The Bible says that ‘the earth has been given to the sons of men.’ (Psalm 115:16) However, there is no Scriptural basis for saying that it is wrong for man to have an interest in space. In fact, the Bible encourages men of faith to observe the heavens as a means of observing God’s wisdom and creative power. (Psalm 8:3, 4; 19:1) At any rate, it was not our intention to give glory to the proposed space station; we simply reported on the plans to build it. Whether or not the space station produces research that will justify its huge cost remains to be seen.—ED.

Surviving Persecution I just finished reading the article “Serving God in the Face of Death.” (August 22, 1999) Because of the endurance of the brothers in Angola for more than 17 years, a land that once seemed barren spiritually has now been blessed with abundant produce!

R. Y., Japan