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“A Realistic and Practical Guidebook”

“A Realistic and Practical Guidebook”

“A Realistic and Practical Guidebook”

LAST summer the Arkansas Democrat Gazette reviewed several books published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Regarding one of them, it stated: “Questions Young People Ask is a realistic and practical guidebook for families, regardless of their religious affiliation. . . .

“This book offers its readers a great deal of sound moral and emotional advice. For example, the authors understand that all young people desire freedom from parental constraint, but it gives the following advice to youngsters:

“‘Do you want more freedom and responsibility? Then prove yourself responsible. Take seriously whatever tasks your folks assign you.’

“Few parents will fail to appreciate a work that consistently preaches the doctrine of personal accountability and constantly admonishes young people to be respectful of both themselves and others. Though the book always provides biblical support for its advice, it is largely grounded in good sense. . . . The section on self-esteem is especially impressive, since many young people have been misled into thinking that unbridled self-admiration is a good thing.”

After quoting from the book, the article continued: “These gentle reminders that self-inflation is a form of pride and that humility is a cornerstone of Christian life are potential antidotes for some of the pop-psychology nonsense visited on young people by well-meaning friends and counselors.”

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