From Our Readers
From Our Readers
Cystic Fibrosis I want to express my profound gratitude for the article “Living With Cystic Fibrosis.” (October 22, 1999) My husband and I are about the same age as Jimmy Garatziotis and his wife, and it is very encouraging to see young people who have such a strong faith in spite of serious problems.
S. D., Italy
For years I’ve been waiting for such an article to come out. My husband and I have a six-year-old daughter with cystic fibrosis. So I read the article immediately. It’s wonderful to see Jimmy Garatziotis’ zeal for the preaching work, even though he’s sick. And it’s heartwarming to know that we have the hope of a new world in which there will be no more sickness.
H. O., United States
Jimmy’s example proves that even when we have very little in terms of health, we can do a lot to praise Jehovah.
P. C., Brazil
Drugs Thank you for publishing the series “Are Drugs Taking Over the World?” (November 8, 1999) I used to use drugs—cocaine, marijuana, hashish. I also abused alcohol and smoked more than 40 cigarettes a day. Kicking these habits was very hard, but God gave me the strength. Nine years have passed since I quit, and I am grateful that I was able to get clear of this world’s mire without contracting a serious illness or ending up in jail. Because I know the physical, emotional, and economic hardship caused by drug abuse, I hope that articles like these will touch the hearts of youngsters.
G. M., Italy
I used the series in a school essay, for which I received the highest possible grade and the compliments of my teacher. I am always happy to read Awake!, especially articles dealing with current issues. It helps me to be realistic about life.
I. M., Italy
Palm Gardens The article “A Visit to an Exotic Garden” (November 8, 1999) was one of the most charming articles I’ve enjoyed recently. I could just imagine myself in Paradise, carefully planning such a beautiful garden. The love this man has for his plants really touched me. How he appreciates Jehovah’s beautiful creation, as we all should!
L. C., Canada
Outgoing The article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Be More Outgoing?” (November 22, 1999) moved me very much. I am 16 years old and find it hard to communicate with others, especially at Christian meetings. Thank you for thinking about youths like me who have this problem. I will try to put into practice the good advice that you gave in this article.
I. A., France
Singing Birds Thank you for the article “Delightful Duet Singers.” (December 8, 1999) I could just imagine hearing these birds perform beautiful music on a tree limb! I daily thank Jehovah for creating animals that entertain us.
Y. S., Japan
Diabetes As part of my postgraduate course, I was assigned to conduct a seminar on diabetes mellitus. The simple and straightforward explanation published in the article “Your Daughter Has Diabetes!” (September 22, 1999) was very helpful. Sonya Herd’s story made me realize just how much a patient needs clear information.
T. K., Brazil