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Is Evolution Logical?

Is Evolution Logical?

Is Evolution Logical?

TODAY, the theory of evolution is said to be a fact by those who promote it. Yet, how logical are the assertions that they so often make? Consider the following.

Silk produced by spiders is one of the strongest materials known. According to New Scientist, “each fibre can stretch by 40 per cent of its length and absorb a hundred times as much energy as steel without breaking.” How is this extraordinary silk made? A viscous liquid, a protein, passes through minute tubes in the spider’s body, and the liquid is changed to a solid thread by a rearrangement of its protein molecules, explains Encyclopædia Britannica.

New Scientist concludes: “The spider has evolved techniques way beyond those of even the most skilful chemist.” Is it conceivable that the spider has evolved a manufacturing technique so complex that man has yet to understand it?

An article in The Wall Street Journal, by Phillip E. Johnson, a University of California law professor, notes that the evidence for evolution is lacking but that its supporters still often ridicule those who question it. The article comments: “Evolution theory is having serious trouble with the evidence—but its proponents don’t want an honest debate that might undermine their world view.”

Another example showing the lack of logic in evolutionary thinking has to do with plants. Scientists researching in Morocco have unearthed 150 fossils of archaeopteris, “the closest relative so far discovered of the first seed plants, ancestor of most of today’s trees,” says The Daily Telegraph of London. The newspaper’s science editor declares that this plant “helped to shape the modern world by inventing leaves and branches.” “To invent” is “to devise by thinking.” Is it logical to credit a plant with the ability to think and to invent?

Solomon, one of the wisest of men, advises us to ‘guard our thinking ability,’ to think for ourselves. The need to do so has never been greater.—Proverbs 5:2.