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Finding What Was Lost

Finding What Was Lost

Finding What Was Lost

Last year, in Maryland, U.S.A., a man politely refused the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. His young daughter, however, asked if she could have them, and the father said that she could. The two were cleaning their car and putting trash in a nearby trash container. Concerned that the magazines might be discarded, the Witness who had offered them decided to return later and check the container.

The magazines were not there, but a purse and a wallet were. Immediately a call was made on the woman whose address was in the purse. Upon approaching her residence, the two Witnesses making the call saw a middle-aged woman leading a stallion to the barn. When they gave her the items, the woman exclaimed: “Thank God everything of importance is here—my passport, checkbook, credit cards, and horse documentation.” She said that the items had been stolen the night before. Since the trash container was about to be emptied, it was fortunate that it had been checked.

The woman offered a reward, but instead of accepting it, the couple returning the purse and wallet gave her the brochure What Does God Require of Us? To express her appreciation, the woman wrote a check to be used to further the worldwide distribution of such Bible-based publications. And since then, she has taken a real interest in Bible study.

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