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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Drugs The series “Are Drugs Taking Over the World?” (November 8, 1999) was well researched. I work as a probation officer in an area where there are a lot of young drug addicts. This issue will help many to get free from the drug habit.

J. T., Germany

I was so encouraged by the story of Pedro and his wife, Ana. For six years drugs ruined my life. By studying the Bible and speaking to others about what I am learning, I have gained the spiritual strength to break free from the drug habit.

D. J., United States

I have been teaching health classes in school for 15 years. This issue of Awake! was perfectly timed, since we are presently covering the subject of alcohol, drugs, and driving. I will surely be using the information in this issue!

C. J., United States

Tagua Nut I have read every issue of your magazine since 1954, and I never cease to be amazed at the articles that describe the versatile uses of things Jehovah created. “The Tagua Nut—Can It Save Elephants?” was one such article. (November 8, 1999) Thank you for helping us to appreciate more and more the marvelous wisdom of our God.

D. H., United States

Witchcraft Thank you very much for the article “What Is Behind Witchcraft?” (November 8, 1999) A lot of people used to think witches were ugly and old. But the Wicca movement is now attracting many young men and women. My own daughter started getting interested in this. However, she had asked for her own subscription to Awake!, and the first issue that came contained this article! It came at the proper time.

B. H., United States

Angels Congratulations on your frank series of articles “What Is the Truth About Angels?” (November 22, 1999) It is about time someone had the courage to write a respectful, but honest, exposé of the dangers posed by distorted beliefs about angels. I especially appreciated the picture on page 9, showing that the angels themselves reject the flattery and prominence they have been given today.

J.L.A.H., Brazil

Medical Ordeal The story of the Major family in the article “We Learned to Rely on God Through Adversity” (November 22, 1999) encouraged me. Our son had a number of serious heart defects that required surgery. The doctors told us, ‘Your son is going to die without a blood transfusion!’ The doctors even separated my husband and me to increase the pressure on us to consent to a blood transfusion. But like the Major family, we prayed for strength and courage. Our son survived the surgeries and is fine now. He has expressed his wish to be baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

B. C., United States

My husband was hospitalized, and the doctors said that he could be there for months. I was growing very tired of trying to tend to three children while also visiting my husband every day. My Christian brothers and sisters proved invaluable in helping with the children. Just when it seemed I couldn’t take it anymore, my husband came home. When I read this encouraging article, I could not help but shed tears of heartfelt empathy and sadness for everything the Major family has been through. How happy I am to see how much they relied on Jehovah!

J. A., United States