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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Global Trade I want to thank you very much for the clear information presented in the article “Global Trade—How It Affects You.” (September 8, 1999) Now I better understand why there is a gulf between rich and poor nations.

M. Z., Italy

I am studying economics in college and have just finished the topic of international trade. Your article had points that we did not discuss in class. I will use them in my exam next month.

H. N., Zimbabwe

Wrong Laser? The item in “Watching the World” called “Pain-Free Dentist?” (October 22, 1999) spoke of the use of the “erbium:YAG laser for dental surgery.” Should this have read “neodymium:YAG”?

D. B., Canada

Although the Academy of Laser Dentistry describes the neodymium:YAG laser as “the most commonly used wavelength in dentistry,” an article in “The Journal of the American Dental Association” (August 1997, Volume 128, pages 1080-7) mentions the use of the erbium:YAG laser as “FDA Consumer” described.—ED.

Crossword Puzzle Regarding the crossword puzzles, couldn’t you post the completed answers in the following issue? I always read the magazine first and do the puzzle later, and it is hard to read the page on which the answers appear without glancing at it.

J. L., United States

We appreciate the suggestion. However, since “Awake!” is distributed from door to door, many of our readers do not get successive issues. So we feel it best to keep the answers in the same issue. Try not to peek at them in advance!—ED.

Witchcraft I am 13 years old, and I met a girl at school who believes in the practice of witchcraft. One day she asked me what I thought about it. I told her that I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and that I don’t believe in using occult powers. She was upset and has brought the matter up many times since then. I prayed to Jehovah for help, and it came in the form of the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: What Is Behind Witchcraft?” (November 8, 1999) I gave her the article, and since reading it, she hasn’t questioned the way I feel on the subject.

K. E., United States

Stinking Delicacy Thank you for the article “Surströmming—A Stinking Delicacy.” (July 8, 1999) We had never heard of it before, so we spoke to a fellow believer who comes from Sweden. She described this delicacy in glowing terms and surprised us some time later by giving us two tins of it. A group of us from the local congregation decided to enjoy it together. Heeding the warning in the article, we opened the tins outside in the garden. Good thing we did. The smell exceeded even our wildest expectations! It was impossible for us to make an objective assessment of the taste! But thanks for the article, without which we would never have had such an unforgettable experience.

C. B., Germany

RSD It has taken me two years to write to express my thanks for the article “RSD—A Puzzling, Painful Disorder.” (September 8, 1997) I had never heard of the disorder until I found out that I have it in my left arm. My physical therapist said that she learned more from the article than from her studies in college. Anyway, thanks for the article. It has really helped me to cope.

L.M.K., United States