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Attaining the Ideals

Attaining the Ideals

Attaining the Ideals

INTERNATIONAL goodwill, brotherhood, peace—who would not laud such noble ideals? The reviver of the Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, believed that the games would override national rivalries by promoting great respect for competitors regardless of race, religion, or gender. He felt that “a better world could be brought about only by better individuals.” But can sports truly bring world peace? Judging from their past record, we would have to answer no.

While sports have their place, education from the Bible is the key to promoting true peace. Indeed, Bible principles can produce “better individuals,” as Coubertin put it. Consider some scriptures that promote peace among individuals who apply them, regardless of their nationality.

“By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”—John 13:35.

“If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men.”—Romans 12:18.

“As long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all.”—Galatians 6:10.

“Doing nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you.”—Philippians 2:3.

“Bodily training is beneficial for a little; but godly devotion is beneficial for all things, as it holds promise of the life now and that which is to come.”—1 Timothy 4:8.

Do the ideals set forth in these scriptures really work? Consider what happened in Munich, Germany. In 1974, just two years after the Olympic Games held in that city were marred by terrorism and murder, Jehovah’s Witnesses held an international convention at the Olympic Stadium. In attendance, among others, were groups from Greece and Turkey—countries that were fighting each other. In fact, during that very summer, Greek and Turkish troops were embroiled in a conflict over the island of Cyprus. Would this affect the Christians attending this convention? No! How touching it was for observers to see Greeks and Turks embrace and call one another brother and sister!

Jehovah’s Witnesses are known the world over for achieving peaceful relationships that transcend national, ethnic, and tribal barriers. Of course, they do not claim to have perfectly attained the ideal of worldwide unity and cooperation. Like anyone else, they have to work hard to follow the Christian apostle Paul’s counsel: “Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality.” (Colossians 3:9, 10) Nevertheless, they strongly believe that following Bible principles can help people to “seek peace and pursue it.”—1 Peter 3:11.

Sadly, the Olympics—despite their lofty ideals—have brought out the worst in many. In contrast, God’s powerful Word brings out the best in people, promoting international goodwill and peace.

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The Olympics promote competition

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Aus dem Fundus der MÜNCHNER OLYMPIAPARK GMBH, München

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The Bible promotes peace