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“You Wrote About My Life!”

“You Wrote About My Life!”

“You Wrote About My Life!”

Over the years, Awake! has published articles concerning various illnesses. Of course, Awake! is not a health journal, and so it does not promote one remedy above another. Still, in discussing an ailment, this magazine strives to describe the problem, identify its causes, and provide Scriptural and practical counsel for the benefit of sufferers and their caregivers.

For example, the article “Understanding and Living With Fibromyalgia” was published in the issue of June 8, 1998, and it elicited worldwide response. Indeed, letters of appreciation were received even many months after the article was published. “I feel as though a mountain has been lifted off me,” wrote one woman. “It was like you wrote about my life!” wrote another, adding, “I know how to cope with this illness now.”

Professionals too appreciated the article. The senior vice president of medical affairs for the Arthritis Foundation in the United States wrote: “I think that the article on fibromyalgia is balanced, complete, and quite good. I also applaud the incorporation of biblical quotes and the importance of faith in this condition and all other medical conditions.”

Many other letters were received. The following are some excerpts.

“My doctor encouraged me to read everything I could find on the subject. Your article is the best I’ve read.”—L. R.

‘Many have asked me about my illness. Usually I would give them a pamphlet. Now I can direct them to this issue of Awake! Absolutely nothing is as comforting!’—K. K.

‘The article reassured me that I am not a failure and that Jehovah still considers me of value.’—D. C.

“I felt as though, for the first time, others out there understand what I am going through.”—C. H.

‘It is comforting to know that we do not suffer alone.’—C. A.

‘I feel very bad that I cannot do what I used to. I will keep this article near my bed so that I can read it again and again when I need encouragement.’—K. B.

‘Up until now, I have ignored the pain as much as possible, done as much as I could, and then collapsed. Your way sounds like an improvement.’—M. C.

“I am 14 years old, and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when I was 12. It brought tears to my eyes to know that Jehovah cares about us. Please continue to write encouraging articles like this one!”—K.A.M.