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“I Always Thought I Was the Only One”

“I Always Thought I Was the Only One”

“I Always Thought I Was the Only One”

THE comment above was made by 13-year-old Ulrike from California, U.S.A., in connection with her study of the book The Secret of Family Happiness. She wrote:

“I really appreciated the fact that you put in the chapter ‘Single-Parent Families Can Succeed!’ It helped me to be nicer and more helpful to my mom because she is a single parent. It also helped me to understand more about how she feels. I always thought I was the only one in emotional pain.” The youth concluded: “That book helped me a lot!”

Millions earth wide have been helped by this 192-page book. The Secret of Family Happiness can benefit all members of the family—husbands, wives, parents, children, grandparents—yes, everyone. Among its instructive chapters are “Train Your Child From Infancy,” “Help Your Teenager to Thrive,” “Protect Your Family From Destructive Influences,” and “Maintain Peace in Your Household.”

To obtain your copy, please fill in and mail the accompanying coupon to the address provided on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. You will receive specific suggestions that can help to solve problems and make family life the delight that the Creator meant it to be.

□ Send me a copy of the book The Secret of Family Happiness.

□ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study.