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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Fatherless Families Thanks for the series “Fatherless Families—Breaking the Cycle”! (February 8, 2000) I had been bitter about my divorce to the point where I wanted to fight for full custody of my daughter. But these articles made me realize that my daughter needs to maintain as good a relationship as possible with her father. Fighting over custody is not the answer.

L. D., Guam

As a single mother, I have always worked hard to bring my boy up according to Bible principles. My ex-husband is one of those whom you describe as “coldly indifferent”; he shows no interest in his son. Even so, I have taught my son to love and respect his father, just as your article suggested. It was very encouraging to know that I am on the right track.

R. S., Brazil

My parents were divorced when I was five years old. My father never showed any interest in his children. Sometimes I feel that it would have been better never to have known him at all than to have experienced his indifference. Thanks to Jehovah, I started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses at an early age. Learning the Bible’s truths has helped me to face these feelings of abandonment and resentment.

C. B., Puerto Rico

For nearly seven years now, I have been raising three boys on my own, and at times it is very tough. For example, there are times when the boys are very hard to handle. Yet, I love them with all my heart, and I thank Jehovah that I have them. The oldest one recently got baptized, so it is worth all the effort. Articles such as these encourage me to continue. I will read them often.

N. B., Canada

My father left when I was six years old. Now I’m 21 and just now realizing the effect that it had on me. I’ve been so afraid of marriage because I thought that a man would probably end up leaving me. I have also felt that I had nothing to offer a man, since I didn’t know how a functional family works. However, this article comforted me greatly. It let me know that I can become a balanced, faithful, loving wife someday.

E.V.W., United States

Friendship Problems I have often wanted to write you, but I never have. I have just finished reading the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Did My Friend Hurt Me?” (February 22, 2000) I had a serious problem with a close friend, and I found myself nurturing anger toward him. This article arrived at the right time.

C. V., Italy

I was hurt by one of my friends. The article helped me to see that since we are imperfect, we rub one another the wrong way at times. I did what the article said and resolved matters with her.

N. T., Trinidad

I am 18 and have two close friends. One is much older than I am, and the other is two years younger. Well, the younger one and I have been having some problems lately. This article came right on time. Colossians 3:13 reminded us that Jehovah freely forgives us many, many times and that we in turn should forgive each other. The last paragraph drove the point home. So each of us wants to be a friend like the one described at Proverbs 18:24—“sticking closer than a brother” or sister!

W. C., United States