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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Gladiolus I would like to compliment you on the article “The Gladiolus—A Remarkable Flower of Fragile Beauty.” (February 22, 2000) I enjoy it when members of your church pay me a visit, even though I doubt I will ever join them. Anyway, the article was written by someone who really knows about glads. In this troubled world, growing glads is a wonderful way to relax and enjoy life.

C. M., United States

Suicide The series “Suicide—Who Are Most at Risk?” (February 22, 2000) hit the bull’s-eye. Eight months ago my mother died suddenly. My father was away when she died and feels guilty. He speaks about not wanting to live any longer. Hence, the articles were of great benefit to my father and me.

R. Z., Germany

My grandfather committed suicide two years ago. After the death of his wife, his mental state deteriorated. Your articles helped me to understand why he may have done what he did.

A. M., United States

In January my 48-year-old brother committed suicide. The day after his memorial service, my father, who is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, found this issue of Awake! in our mailbox. He was speechless and tearful as he showed it to us. My family cried tears of joy and thankfulness for this comforting series.

B. J., United States

In our school district, six children have committed suicide within the last year. It has been such a major concern that the school district has declared a suicide watch within the school system. We offered this issue to people in areas that are not usually receptive to our message. Sometimes people took the magazine out of our hands before we could finish our presentation!

C. C., United States

When I was a teenager, I tried to commit suicide twice after my father’s death. The very word “suicide” is considered taboo by some. Thank you for putting it on the cover of Awake! I found these articles to be frank, realistic, and very understanding.

M. G., France

Friendship Problems The article “Young People Ask . . . Why Did My Friend Hurt Me?” (February 22, 2000) helped me. My best friend of six and a half years hurt me very badly. By using the suggestions in your article, my friend and I talked things through calmly and peacefully. As a result, we are now closer than ever.

M. L., United States

Infirm Preacher The article “A Bright Outlook Despite Infirmities” (February 22, 2000) really moved me. I am young, and at times my problems seem insurmountable. Konstantin Morozov’s story was very encouraging. I treasure his words: “I want to continue to serve [Jehovah] as long as my heart continues to beat.”

L. C., Italy

I have three children, and because my husband does not share my faith, I must instruct them in spiritual matters. I also have to work and care for the house, and sometimes it seems that there is no more strength to be had. The positive attitude of Konstantin is amazing! Thank you for publishing his story.

O. K., Russia