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‘You Are Showing Love to All’

‘You Are Showing Love to All’

‘You Are Showing Love to All’

THESE words of commendation were written to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yugoslavia, a land where people of different ethnic backgrounds have been fighting one another for centuries. The letter stated:

“Dear Sirs,

I had heard much about you Jehovah’s Witnesses in my hometown, Sarajevo, but I was never interested in what you believe until last summer when I had the opportunity to attend your convention in Germany. I was deeply impressed to see people from Croatia, Yugoslavia, and Bosnia peacefully sitting together and even calling one another brother and sister. I have never seen anything like that! Your mutual love gives strong evidence that politics can do nothing to you. May God bless you for the love you are showing to all!”

Reports like this from areas where people harbor long-held hatreds raise the question, Will there ever be a world without war? This is the title of a 32-page brochure that provides powerful evidence that such a world will be achieved. But how? And when?

You can request this brochure by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

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