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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Twentieth Century Congratulations on the informative and educational work you are doing. As a political and military affairs correspondent, I am always critical about the articles I read. But the series “The 20th Century—Critical Years of Change” was second to none. (December 8, 1999) The cover illustration well reflected the most significant events of this century.

A. P., Angola

Melatonin and Depression The “Watching the World” item “A Long Night” (March 8, 2000) caught my attention. I work at an institute where melatonin is being researched, and it appears that your item was inaccurate. If melatonin is involved in seasonal depression, it is an excess rather than a lack of this hormone that is to blame.

X. Y., France

It now appears that the exact relationship of melatonin to seasonal depression—if any—is unconfirmed. Recently, researchers have suggested that the issue may be, not the level of melatonin, but how a lack of light might disrupt the cycle of melatonin production. Obviously, more research will need to be done before any firm conclusions can be drawn.—ED.

Art Error? I was in the hospital reading the January 8, 2000, issue, with the cover series “Bloodless Medicine and Surgery—The Growing Demand,” when a senior cardiologist and a team of students came in. He said that the EKG (electrocardiogram) strip on the cover was backward.

J. T., England

The strip appeared as an artistic device. It was shown to some health-care workers before its publication; however, the consensus among other medical personnel who have seen the drawing since then is that it was drawn incorrectly. We apologize for the error.—ED.

Quitting Smoking Until quite recently, I have been hooked on cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine. I tried many times to quit on my own but without success. It wasn’t until I started to study the Bible with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses that I began to feel that I was worth something. With the help of Jehovah, I have not done any drugs or smoked since January. The withdrawal symptoms have been agonizing. Since January, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep. The March 22, 2000, issue with the series “How You Can Quit Smoking” helped me to see that my difficulty with sleep is a withdrawal symptom and that I am not going crazy! Thanks so much.

D. M., United States

When I read your description of nicotine withdrawal, it reminded me of what I went through. At first I couldn’t think of anything but cigarettes. Gradually days, then weeks, and then months passed without cigarettes ever coming into my mind. Jehovah definitely helped me after I promised myself that I would never smoke again. That was 20 years ago, and, in fact, I have never smoked again.

D. A., Italy

Moths Thank you very much for printing the article “When Love Is Blind,” about the emperor moth. (March 22, 2000) I found one in my backyard. When a second one came along, I took a photo that was shown on local TV. I deeply appreciate the hard work and research involved in providing the magazines.

I. K., United States

El Niño I want to thank you for the informative article “What Is El Niño?” (March 22, 2000) To be honest, I’d heard everyone talk about El Niño in 1998, and I didn’t have a clue as to what it was all about. Well, the explanation was delivered right to my door! Your article was short yet very informative.

U. N., United States