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“I Am Addicted to Your Magazines”

“I Am Addicted to Your Magazines”

“I Am Addicted to Your Magazines”

A letter recently received by the Watch Tower Society’s branch office in Germany read in part:

“I must admit that I am addicted to your magazines. It’s the same story every year. Just before going on vacation, I decide to hold back the last two issues for reading on the beach. A firm decision!

“But as soon as I get my hands on them, the problem starts. Just a peek at the table of contents. Wow, a life story! Well, maybe I’ll read it just as an appetizer but nothing more. Oh, but the next article looks especially interesting. Stop! I need the magazines for vacation reading. Oh well, just one more article. And the “Watching the World” items are always so informative! Finally, as you can imagine, by the time I get to the beach, there is not a single article left.”

The appeal of Awake! is demonstrated by the fact that about 20,300,000 copies are printed per issue in 82 languages. Readers enjoy its positive outlook. “Why Awake! Is Published,” which appears in each issue, explains that “this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world.”

Yet, many ask, ‘Why has God permitted suffering for so long?’ That question is answered in the brochure Does God Really Care About Us? You can request a copy by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

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